Yesterday I fancied a treat, but wanted to stay clean so made this in like 2 mins!! But before you check out the recipe, I wanted to let you know that this recipe will be in the 21 day program too, along with our recipe of the month.. LASAGNE!! 😀 IMAGINE!! NOMMMMZZZZZZZZZZ […]
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For years I’ve been chatting with my parent, sister & brother about changing their lifestyles & improving their nutrition. My sisters done incredible…there’s now 6 stone less of her than there was when she first decided to make the change. But everyone else has been doing the same thing week in, week out. (And expecting […]
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Helloooooo, OMG – It’s been a few days since I emailed last! I’ve still got a bit of Kryptonite in the chest (it’s not getting me down) and as part of my detox program, I’ve been making sure I follow my rules with my morning activity! Plus…I’ve somehow been a little busier […]
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Following the opening yesterday of my 7 day TARAnsform & Detox Program I’m delighted with how many of you have responded. One of the emails I received (no names!) said this: “I have tried every diet around and legal pill but can never shift a pound. I am desperate and will try anything. […]
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