Quick Protein Bar Recipe - Tara Hammett

Quick Protein Bar Recipe

Yesterday I fancied a treat, but wanted to stay clean so made this in

like 2 mins!!


But before you check out the recipe, I wanted to

let you know that this recipe will be in the

21 day program too, along with our recipe of the month..






You can join here now and lose

up to 15lbs in 21 days with my

epic program which gets you insane weight loss

results whilst eating incredible



We don’t do diets!!!!


We do eating fab food forever!


Chocolate Protein Bar


1 tbspn coconut flour

1 tbspn whey protein

1 tspn 100% cocoa

1 tspn cocoa nibs

1 tbspn water


Mix all your ingredients together and form into

any shape you want.

Ball, Bar, Heart..whatever.


You can either eat is immediately, or put it in

the freezer for 10 mins.

Enjoy with a cup of green tea

(Biggest gingerbread fan ever)


Approx Macros:

150 kCals

10g Protein

8g Carbs

5g Fibre

(So 3g net carbs)

8g Fat


Clean and chocolatey!

Keep fit & fab

Tara xx

  • September 4, 2014