Why don't you stick to anything? - Tara Hammett

Why don’t you stick to anything?

I recorded this video for you last night.
I was inspired by my LT6 team and
wanted to have a quick share with you.
You know when you need a kick up the butt and
do something.
I hope this message gives you a little booster this morning.
Right now you may be thinking that
you CAN’T do certain things.
Joining the gym isn’t you
Eating healthy isn’t you
Doing mindset reading isn’t you
Ordering the healthy option isn’t you
Avoiding alcohol 6 days a week isn’t you
Managing portions better isn’t you
one or all of those things may relate with you
right now and you don’t believe you can do it because you
haven’t go the willpower.
Or maybe the way you’ve tried it before hasn’t worked for you
to give it a better shot?
You can learn to do these things and
it become an easy way of life.
We all have daily things that we have to
Brushing your teeth
Making your bed
Getting up to go to work
Some harder than others and some
you don’t even think about.
But you do them
In the beginning Marie didn’t think she would
\be able to do everything she needed to, to
feel more confident,
healthier, fitter & happier.
Oh, and 16lbs LIGHTER
But now she can and she’s so proud of herself.
So ask yourself what is stopping you committing.
Would working with me for 3 weeks and
having my support help you – do you think?
Could I be your kick up the bum that you need?
Give me a chance.
Your opportunity is RIGHT HERE
KeepĀ fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S Sample workout coming your way later…we’ll be doing it
LIVE on Facebook tomorrow morning at 7am.
  • April 27, 2016