What you think of this? Just WOW
Check out TARAnsformer Sue and her message
she sent me last night.
“Hi Tara,
Wanted to let you know I wore a skirt this week.
First time in years that I have worn one and actually
felt comfortable and not self conscious.
Usually I hide in jeans,
will not go out in anything that shows my legs if I can help it.
This has changed though,
I have lost just over 2 stone by following your lifestyle program.
I feel so much healthier and stronger now.
I’ve been trying to lose weight since I had my oldest son
( he turned 15 yesterday )
tried a number of different programs like weight watchers,
biggest loser and just trying myself.
Stuck to it a while, lost a little bit of weight and then put it back on.
I Finally listened to you in one of your daily emails and
decided I didn’t want another year to pass and be the same weight or heavier.
My other half has diabetes and arthritis.
I don’t want to go down the same route and needed to
make sure I’m able to look after him in later years if necessary.
I love the support the group provides.
Everyone is so friendly and is there if you need them.
The accountability of posting and you and
Louise checking up on us when necessary.
If I haven’t posted or checked what is happening I feel a little lost.
I took the photos recently as needed to see how far I had come.
I didn’t realise how different I looked.
It’s one thing when people are telling you but
actually seeing the results yourself is another.
It blew me away!
Whilst I know I’m only half way to my goal I am so
pleased with the results so far and it drives me on to continue.
I am no longer going out in the dark to exercise in my leggings.
I have the energy and the confidence to go out and
I am following a couch to 5 k plan.
The HIIT workouts have given me the strength to do this
and I can now run a lot longer than I used to.
I look forward to working out rather than dreading it now.
Thanks Tara your advice has been wonderful
and looks like it has finally sunk in ????.
I am looking forward to getting closer to my goal
over the next few months
Sue xxx”
Again – WOW
Sometimes you may feel like you never see the difference
from your hard work and effort.
These pics say it all.
Sue is looking AWESOME and
now she’s not feeling self conscious and is wearing clothes she
never normally wears.
Do you avoid certain clothes
because you don’t feel comfortable in them but
WISH you did?
Have you tried lots of diets, done well
for a while then put it back on?
Are you prepared to let another year pass
staying the same or is it time that
you FINALLY LISTENED to one of my emails?
It all starts with ONE step.
Do something for you, like Sue did.
Sue’s story says it all…
She joined me and will not look back.
^^ Click that link like Sue did and
start TODAY ^^
Keep fit & fab
Tara XX
P.S There’s 2 LIVE streams from me tomorrow.
7am Thursday morning for your FREE 12min HIIT workout and
7pm for my VIP Live Webinar. You’ve got to be IN HERE
for the LIVE Webinar though…..With Sue 😉
My FAMOUS 12 minute Workout DVD’s
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