What inspires you? - Tara Hammett

What inspires you?

We all need someone or something to
inspire us, motivate us, encourage us and drive us.
I’m asking you this today as I’ve been inspired by the girls in my programmes.
They’re all amazing.
They’re busy
They have challenges
They slip up
They keep going
Sometimes they hide away for a bit because they’re embarrassed that they’re not
doing so well, but they come back and get back on it.
Yesterday 2 of the girls REALLY inspired me.
and thanks to them, so many of the girls are ramping it up and taking action.
Let’s start with Emma
She posted a photo in the support group of her transformation.
She labelled it TARAnsformation Tuesday.
Soon loads of the other girls were inspired to share their progress.
the enthusiasm was contagious and now we’re 3 days into a ‘Declare & Execute’ week where we’re all
doing 5 small things each day and we’ll be feeling the benefits of these daily habits.
Along with many others (I must mention Claire too), she loved the 30 day butt challenge and asked
“What challenge are we doing next?”
I put my thinking cap on.
I was a bit selfish but it’s worth it and so far there’s over 40 of us doing the next challenge.
Core & Cardio 30 day challenge is work in progress.
This is what I posted in the group yesterday….

I’m being selfish with the next challenge (good selfish though)

I have 2 main areas I want to focus on.
My Butt (currently flat and NOT big n curvy)
My Abs (currently mainly jelly-to be expected of course)

The 30 day butt challenge was brill to improve my strength in my legs & bum but I’m stepping those areas up with 12min HIITS and lifting weights…..heavy!

Now it’s time to look at Abs.

Mine were my best in these pics, the time that I was doing panto.

The way I did it was strict nutrition as per my recipes.

Exercise wise….SKIPPING and regular core work.

……the next 30 day challenge will focus on these movements.

Get your jump rope ready
(I’m doing an offer on the TARAnsformer ones which is what I use as they’re light and fast-let me know if you want one)

Get your timer ready for the plank.

I’m going to kick off this 30 day challenge.

Let me know if you’re in!!

If there’s enough of you in here that want to do it, I will run the challenge in here.

I need to get everything together for you, so watch this space if you want to join in.
I’ve got a few things to do ready for this, so watch this space if you want to tighten and tone and boost your fitness
and finally a big shout out to Maz
The first action taker to join in with the 21 day programme which is opening on Friday.
This is what it’s all about……doing something for you.
Taking responsibility for your own circumstances and if you want to change something CHANGE IT.
But like Maz, all these things are brilliant, as long as you’re doing something.
You can look at transformation photos
You can look at people doing 30 day challenges
You can watch people get totally motivated for 21 days
but unless you do something all you’re going to do is watch their success….not yours.
Are you ready to start transforming?
Join Maz and Me HERE
Fast workouts
All the right food to help you drop the fat
Support and inspiration to keep that motivation up.
Tara xxx
P.S One thing that’s really important in life is to show appreciation and gratitude. Sometimes we do things for somebody and we don’t know how much it means to them.
Sometimes we show appreciation and give a small little thank you and don’t know how much it means to the person receiving it.
So a  BIG THANK YOU to the girls I’ve mentioned for inspiring me and helping me to inspire others with your wonderfulness. 
Share some appreciation today


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  • March 8, 2017