What A Nightmare Morning

Yep – I’ve hated it!
I’ve been ‘eating my frog’
I HATE doing my accounts.
I’ve got an accountant…but I STILL have things to do which I dread doing.
I resist it
I know I’ve got to do it
I know I feel good once it’s done
So why do I put it off so much ??
Well….I’ve learned my lesson.
With pregnancy and being a Mamma, I used those excuses to PUT OFF DOING WHAT I KNEW I SHOULD DO for a whole year!!
A year!
Every month I’d think…I will do it and then leave it.
I’d do other things.
But now the pressure was on.
I need to get them in order,
I had a deadline before I meet my accountant again.
So that pushed me.
And I’ve DONE IT!
Yippeeeee-I’ve got that chuffed feeling now and the one of ‘it wasn’t that bad actually’
If I was CONSISTENT with it every month, it would be easier.
Part of my routine
Prepped & organised
So….Tara’s lesson…stay consistent, make the job easier, do what I know I should do, stop putting it off and making matters worse.
Now guess what I’m gonna do ?
I’m gonna flip my lesson over to you
Are you resisting something?
Leaving something until it gets too bad?
Not being organised and prepped?
Don’t put things off
If you want to change your body
You’ve GOT to do the work
You’ve GOT to stay consistent
How much different are you since this time last year?
Do you continue to be one of those people that so so so SOOOOOOOO wants to lose weight BUT still does nothing??
My next 3 week programme is OPEN NOW!
We kick off Monday.
You could lose up to 11lbs
You could be fitting easily in to an outfit you’ve got that’s currently too ‘snug’
Don’t put it off any longer.
Feel chuffed and relieved like I am this morning.
Tara xxx
Ps…. Here’s the link again to remind you NOT to just move on from this email but to actually do something for yourself.