We all feel hurt, but what do we do about it? - Tara Hammett

We all feel hurt, but what do we do about it?

What you reading at the moment?
This is one thing I always recommend to anyone that wants to make change.
Whether it’s physically or mentally.
I’m reading an awesome book at the moment all about getting back up.
Every single one of us will go through some emotional times. Whether we suffered a disappointment,
heart break, regret, screwing up or hurt. It’s what will happen in life, no options.
What we do have as an option though is how we decide to deal with things.
As Brene Brown said in her book:
‘Do we want to write the story or do we want to hand that power over to someone else?
Choosing to write your own story means getting uncomfortable; it’s choosing courage over comfort.’
Dealing with these things in our lives causes physical and emotional discomfort. That’s why so many stay where they are, never facing the truth or taking ownership of their story because it doesn’t hurt so much staying in the comfort zone. It’s the way we protect ourselves.
Take weight loss and body or mind change.
It requires discomfort, change, hard work.
All these new things to do make you feel overwhelmed, nervous.
You know you should do something, but you don’t.
Maybe next time.
You convince yourself of your excuses:
* I’ve got lots on the next few weeks (You will forever BTW)
* I’m not sure I can afford it (But you spend on things that keep you where you are or make your situation worse)
* You worry about what others may think (It’s none of their business, your happiness is number 1)
Through these decisions and staying on the outskirts of your story and not owning it, you’ll always
have the hurt.
Right now are you happy where you are?
You can change anything.
To start the process you need to reflect and look back at what has happened in the past,
what actions you have taken and decisions you have made that have made you who you are now.
Only then can you plan change. When you change your thoughts, actions and feelings, thats when you can transform your life.
What role are you going to play in your own life?
You write your story.
Right now, there’s a growing group of ladies ready to rise strong.
They have chosen to take on their emotions, get uncomfortable and start writing their own story.
They’re choosing courage over comfort and joining me on the 21 day programme starting this weekend.
It all takes the first step…..then you just gotta keep on going.
Click to join in
This could be the beginning of you changing your story and not being on the outskirts anymore.
Tara xx
  • May 4, 2017