Unhappy and Depressed to Confident and Happy. Gemma’s Journey

When I started working with ladies like Gemma at Life Transformer I had one mission in mind. To empower busy mums like Gemma, a 36 year old mum from Swansea, to lead happier and healthier lives.
Read on to Learn Gemma’s Inspiring Story…
“Before joining (Life Transformer), every day I felt unhappy and depressed. My mood would always be negative because of constant negative thoughts torturing me about my appearance. I felt I was letting myself and my daughter down by not feeling confident to be able to go swimming in the summer. Desperately wanting to go in the swimming pool with her, Sophia was desperate for me to go in but always sat on the side watching.
I knew I needed to change and there was only one option for me. I knew Tara and the group were amazing, I knew that it was only this plan that worked for me because I’ve had the results previously. I knew that I needed the support. I knew exactly what I needed to do with exercise and eating but the missing piece of my jigsaw was being surrounded by incredible women and the wealth of knowledge from Tara.
I’ve tried silly diets, slimming pills and injections in between for the quick fix but they didn’t even give me that. It isn’t about the quick fix it’s about the change of lifestyle and this is the only plan that has shown me how to do that. It’s not only about the food and exercise, it’s about relationships, mindset, sleep, routine everything that’s forgotten about with a diet that has sometimes the most impact.
I’ve lost 20 lbs since November 2019. I’ve Improved confidence, self esteem, happier in myself, I’m no longer on the side watching my daughter swim I’m in the pool with her I can put jeans on and not spend half hour stressing because I look awful, I can wear sleeveless tops, I can run 5k, I have good sleep, I wake up in the mornings to do a home HIIT Workout because I like them and want to do it, not because I have to do it. I have the confidence to walk out my door and be happy without the constant torture of being unhappy in myself.”
Want Results Like Gemma?
I know many busy women like you will 100% resonate with how Gemma felt before joining Life Transformer
Many will have tried the short term, quick fixes, then feeling frustrated, angry and guilty when you go back to your old habits and rebound. For real permanent change though, just like Gemma, it requires more than stepping on the scales once a week at a meeting. Please don’t forget you are much more number on the scales. Yes, it may be a good indicator of where you are, but only ever as part of a global picture, not something to be judged on. If you want real change then you have to change how you think and feel as well as what you do.
Want to follow Gemma’s example and Transform your own life and feel happier and more confident?
Become a Life Transformer member today for just £27 per month….
And if you join today I’ll include a free 30 minute Life Transformer phone or Skype coaching session with me to give you the motivation to get the same life changing results as Gemma.
Let’s get you feeling more confident, in control and happier, starting right now.
You have a choice to make right now. You can Join Life Transformer Today and start making positive changes like Gemma, or stay stuck in a cycle of yo yo dieting, slimming clubs and quick fixes.
The choice is yours.
Tara Hammett
Life Transformer: Empowering busy mums to lead happier and healthier lives
Don’t forget if you can claim a free 30 minute Life Transformer coaching call with me if you join Life Transformer Today
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