The victim mindset
Are you like that?
Today…I want to use
Monday to Motivate you
Do you allow your success of
weight loss, body change and happiness be
limited by external circumstances, other people or events?
Start this week being MORE ACCOUNTABLE
Accountability allows you to gain control of your life,
shape your destiny and fulfil your potential.
You simply take ownership of your actions and results.
Successful people are accountable.
Until you accept ownership of your actions and outcomes,
you will be helpless to change or improve your results.
If you’re not disciplined in your daily activity,
nothing will change and your dream body will never come.
You have nobody to blame but yourself for failure or success.
The challenge is to stay in the frame of mind
that allows you to remember that the little things done today matter.
Isn’t it time you stopped making
excuses and letting things stand in between you
and the life you want to have?
The life you are currently living is a result of the choices you have made.
You can blame circumstances,
your upbringing,
your family,
the school you attended,
your boss…..the fact is you don’t control any of that.
What you control is how you respond.
Being accountable is not easy
At times it is very unpleasant,
but if you are serious about your goals,
you must take ownership of your situation.
Wish you were more accountable?
Here’s some things you may need to STOP
STOP being the victim:
You cannot achieve a life of significance if you continue to give your power away.
Focus on the things you can control, take ownership of your thinking,
actions and results.
STOP feeling sorry for yourself :
This produces nothing but self pity.
It’s ok to be disappointed and sad when things don’t go your way,
but don’t let that linger and turn into self pity.
STOP doing the same things:
Be WILLING to take different actions.
If you want different results then you have to be willing to take different actions
Want something you currently don’t have?
Start doing something you’re currently not doing!
Like taking action
STOP doing it on your own:
Associate yourself with others JUST LIKE YOU who ARE accountable
“He who walks with the wise, grow wise”
Stay away from victims, drainers and excuse makers.
Nurture relationships with people who are accountable,
just like the TARAnsformers in my groups.
Join in with the team at My Inner Circle
For just a small investment in YOU, the excuses can STOP and
The results can come.
Only you can do it.
Start this week STRONG and think
About YOUR Summer body…if you want it enough.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
p.s. Have you done any food prep ready for the next few days?
This is one MASSIVE time saver. I baked a load of Chicken & Turkey Sausages
last night and a big chilli is going in the slow cooker later…..easy to grab
on busy days.
More from me:
My FAMOUS 12 minute Workout DVD’s Wear the FUNKIEST training gear with my TARAnsformer Workout clothes YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals with all my COOKBOOKS My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program Register for my 7 day Detox Program. JOIN ANY DAY, ANY TIME WITH TARA’S INNER CIRCLE – ONLY £27 p/m |