I GIVE UP! - Tara Hammett


Friday AGAIN!
3 months have gone ALREADY!
What have you achieved over the last 3 months?
On reflection you may wish you’d worked harder,
Made different decisions,
Taken action rather than thinking about what to do.
Did you try something and GIVE UP?
Sometimes life gets in the way and you are not able to meet your commitments,
so you disappoint yourself and others.
When this happens, it is important to get
right back on the wagon. Don’t give up!
Did you maybe fail to confront your missed commitments?
A commitment isn’t an interest that gets abandoned when it gets difficult.
When things get in the way of meeting a commitment,
it is important to dig in to WHY.
Why are you doing it in the first place?!
You should confront the breakdown right away and
recommit to paying the price.
Instead of giving up on the dream, re-commit to giving
up on the bad habits.
In that way you grow your ability to make
And meet commitments in the future.
We’ve all done these things.
I’ve got some tips for you to help you make sure you
Put your mind to something and get what you want.
The Body
The Energy
The Happiness
First, don’t over commit.
Don’t take on more than you can handle, for example.
Stressing about LOADS OF EXERCISE
Stressing about so many DIET CHANGES
Stressing about thinking you CAN’T DO IT
If you make a personal commitment, just stick to 2 or 3 changes….
or even better, one at a time.
Go public with your commitments.
If you are serious about committing to change,
tell someone you trust.
Anytime you tell someone it creates
An added level of determination on your part to follow through.
Get a Buddy
As with many things in life, it is easier with a friend.
Where possible find someone to encourage you, join in with you.
The support and encouragement increases your chances of success,
and can make it all more fun!
You may even be thinking that all
I’ve said is a bit too much to think about.
So I’ve done all that for you.
The 21 day challenge kicks off on Monday.
Can you commit to 21 days for YOU?
Would you like to be shown exactly what exercise to do for only 12 mins?
Would you like to be told exactly what to eat?
Would you like to have support everyday?
Would you like to get what you want this time?
If you answered YES to any of those questions,
The 21 day programme is JUST FOR YOU!
And we kick off Monday.
Joining in?
Just Click & Commit

Keep fit & fab


P.S As it’s the first of the month, You’ll get a FREE recipe eBook if you join today! xx


More from me:

My FAMOUS 12 minute Workout DVD’s


Wear the FUNKIEST training gear with my TARAnsformer Workout clothes


YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals

with all my COOKBOOKS


My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program


Register for my 7 day Detox Program.




  • April 1, 2016