Check out this totally HONEST feedback from Jennifer.
I love it!!!
“I first discovered Tara about 5 years ago.
I joined a T21 programme and had great results.
I joined another one a little while after and didn’t do so well. I’ve always been a bit sporty and relatively food aware. The problem was I always gave into temptation and never refused a treat – even if I was having a treat every day.
So I went on with my life, reading Tara’s mails and following her on Facebook and putting how I felt out of my mind. In 2016, I had my first child and having had a really healthy pregnancy and lost weight throughout it, I realised I wasn’t happy with my body or how I felt inside. I couldn’t ignore it any longer so decided to take the plunge and complete a LT11 application form.
As soon as I hit send, I wished there was a recall button, but thankfully there wasn’t and I was accepted onto the programme.
So much to love about the programme;
• realisation the lots of lovely ladies felt exactly as I did
• support from the group and Tara and her gang
• the weekly calls to keep you on track or to course correct with no fear, judgement or feelings of defeatism
• that I could find new meals & recipes that were healthy & delicious and would become part of my cooking repertoire
• lots of lovely compliments from friends and family even when I couldn’t see any changes
• that the little voice in my head that always told me bad things about myself was quietened (not silent mind!)
• that it’s never too late to make a change and start to feel good about yourself
All of the above and lots more!
An 18lb weight loss and approx 10 inches overall.
New found confidence and self belief – I’m not done with my journey but so much more hopeful about where it’s going to take me.”
Jennifer is still on her journey with me and I’m chuffed to still be helping
this lovely, generous, beautiful lady…..all the way from Dublin…and what she’s also forgotten to add is that she’s picking up a few welsh phrases along the way.
18lbs weight loss is life changing and now it’s time to keep it off and continue doing what she’s doing and get nearer to her weight loss and body change goals.
So what next for Jennifer and how can you join her?
We’ve just finished the Detox week and we’ll be starting the 21 Day programme on Monday.
This is where we start to introduce more food, so steak, chips, ice cream, cheese, coffee even chocolate & wine are back on the menu!
So join me and the Team this weekend for only £30 and lets get you
motivated and feeling like you’re in control.
P.S Image courtesy of Jennifer in the support group.
PPS Haven’t forgotten about that shopping list that everyone said they wanted….if you were one of those people email me back and I’ll send it over to you this weekend
Need help to get to your goals?
✔️ THE 12 MIN WORKOUTS to get you toned FASTER
✔️ THE RECIPES to eat more, cheaper and make it quick
✔️ #1 YOUR KICKSTART – the 7 Day Real Food Detox week
(Lose up to 11lbs)
✔️ #2 THE NEXT STEP – The 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
(Change your body shape in 3 weeks)
✔️ #3 THE LIFESTYLE – Keep the weight off forever in my Inner Circle
✔️ The GUARANTEED RESULTS 12 week programme – The Life Taransformer
Join the waiting list – application only