My TOP 10 Mindset Books For YOU
We can go on all
day about workout and nutrition
If your mind is NOT on it…
It ain’t gonna happen.
We’ve all had those moments
We know what we should be doing
but we just can’t get the motivation to do it.
We have a war in our heads telling us
we SHOULD be doing something to
help us towards our goals but
we don’t
No Willpower
No Action
Sometimes…it just clicks.
We’re in the game for a while
We do well but still,
fall off the wagon.
Doing mindset workouts is
exactly what you could be missing.
Once you gain better control on your
thoughts, you can gain better control on your actions.
Give yourself a mind workout and
think more positively with the books that I LOVE.
Do you read?
What;s your fave mindset book?
Listen to this week’s PODCAST
And I promise…I
don’t recommend Domestos or shampoo
as part of my personal development reading
^^ You’ll find the podcast here^^
Subscribe so you never miss a show
Keep Fit & Fab
Tara xx
PS If you want a physical workout, rather than a mindful one…
My 12 minute workouts are at the link below for you.
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More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook The DETOX COLLECTION Ebook THE 21 Day ORIGINAL TARAnsformer Program My ULTIMATE weight loss, fitness & toning program The KICKSTART Weight loss 7 Day DETOX Program Eliminate those problems and detox with REAL FOOD to lose up to 9lbs JOIN ANY DAY, ANY TIME WITH TARA’S INNER CIRCLE Workouts, Recipes, Mindset, Support and EPIC RESULTS every month |