Do you make your bed each morning?

Check out this quick home workout. It’s awesome for lifting your butt and working your belly.
But first….
Whilst having a nice little chat with my friend Ceri and her new health regime,
we got talking about another friend that was inspired by Ceri’s determination to make changes and lose weight….even though she has a very busy job working 12 hour shifts.
To get it all in Ceri explained she gets up early……5:30am some mornings so she can train at 6am.
Does she like her alarm? Nope
But she wants the results so much and once she’s up…she’s up.
She gets it done then the rest of the day always feels better.
She’s winning.
How do you start your day?
Some of the most productive and successful people have an early morning ritual.
From spending 2 mins making their bed
Former US Navy Admiral William H. McRaven gave a very motivational speech once and he said that making your bed could be the one simple task you could do every day to conquer your day.
Once done you will have accomplished the first task of the day,
you’ll have a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task, then another and another.
Soon all these little tasks become a great day of productivity.
On top of making your bed, you could also add this very simple home workout into your tasks. It doesn’t take long at all, but can help you to continue to make good choices and have a daily habit of moving more.
Click on the workout video, watch it then have a go yourself.
Do 3-4 rounds of 12-15 reps.
Let me know if you do it…….and if you made your bed today 😉
Tara xx
P.S I’m looking for the next team of ladies to join me in the 21 Day Programme
Joining in and up for making a routine for 21 days??