Would you like one of the last ones??
I’m down to my last few DVD’s and I don’t want you to miss out!
How well has your Monday started?
Motivation Monday and all that, but there can be times where the planning may not have gone as well as you’d have liked.
So you may need a little boost already.
I’m sat here signing a few DVD’s to post to some lovelies…..one all the way in South Yorkshire WOO HOO and I did a little count.
As the DVD Downloads are much more popular than actual DVD’s, I’ve decided not to get anymore DVD’s printed.
So I was wondering if you wanted one of the last few left in stock.
There’s only 27 left, and once the stock is gone….IT’S GONE….until I create the Third DVD in the series.
Would you like a signed copy of my PROVEN ‘burn fat fast’ 12min HIIT Workouts?
Grab one now and I’ll sign it today and get it in the post to you ASAP
You could be working out with me at home and toning up SUPER FAST
That’s my bit of Monday Motivation for you.
✔️ THE 12 MIN WORKOUTS to get you toned FASTERhttps://tarahammett.com/dvds/
✔️ THE RECIPES to eat more, cheaper and make it quick
✔️ #1 YOUR KICKSTART – the 7 Day Real Food Detox week
(Lose up to 11lbs)
✔️ #2 THE NEXT STEP – The 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
(Change your body shape in 3 weeks)
✔️ #3 THE LIFESTYLE – Keep the weight off forever in my Inner Circle
✔️ The GUARANTEED RESULTS 12 week programme – The Life Taransformer
Join the waiting list – application only