I went to bed feeling fat & disgusting - Tara Hammett

I went to bed feeling fat & disgusting


That was Kathryn’s post on the last day of the 21 day programme last month.

She went to bed feeling awesome and proud of herself.

Like anyone, this time of year can be hard.

The shops are filling with goodies we only see this time of year
The nights are darker and we want to stay in
The weather is colder and we seek comfort in nice food & drink
The layers of clothes come out so there’s no pressure to show our lumps and bumps

On the outside many put on a brave face, have fun and don’t let on how they really feel.
On the inside, they don’t like themselves and like Kathryn put it – feel disgusting.

Who’s in control of that?


There may only be 6 weeks until Christmas and you may
right now be thinking……”Ooh, I’m gonna try that diet after Christmas”

STOP that thought.

Are you REALLY up for waiting?
Haven’t you waited long enough to get what you want?

You do NOT need to go on a ‘diet’
To miss out on the fun
To add another 4-5 pounds onto your weight
To make it harder on yourself in the new year.

What you need right now is to take responsibility for yourself,
so you can make changes not only now, before Christmas, but start the
journey for the rest of your healthy lifestyle.

Feeling better about yourself is not complicated – unless you want to make it harder and then you’ll have the excuse that it’s ‘too hard’

Getting results doesn’t mean going on the brand new, super speedy, weight loss like you’ve never seen magic potion drink – unless you want to waste a load of money and have the ‘it’s too expensive’ excuse.

Getting fitter and more toned doesn’t mean endless hours doing boring exercise – unless you want to keep saying the ‘I haven’t got time’ and ‘I hate exercise’ excuse.

Whilst you find this time of year a little too tempting and harder,
I want to tempt you with a way of making it easier.

Just like Kathryn did, on a Sunday, three weeks ago.
She over indulged,
She felt sick of it
She decided to do something.

Everything you need to make the first step and change is ready for you,
if you’re ready for it?

21 Day ‘Don’t go to bed feeling disgusting” Programme

^^^ Step up
WE start tomorrow and this is your LAST CHANCE to join in the FINAL programme

Tara xxx

  • November 13, 2016