I feel pathetic
Un-Motivated, Tired and Lacking Willpower.
You get the feeling?
That’s the exact words one
of the ladies said to me when we were
having a coaching call on Friday.
She’s got her daughters wedding in July.
It was booked last June and she thought
it would be enough to spur her
on and give her the kick up the butt
she needed to change her ways.
She wants to look gorgeous in
her dress on the big day.
But, beyond that…
She wants to change her ways
forever but she’s finding it hard on her own.
In work the staff room
is always full of cakes and biscuits – easy to tuck into.
When she gets home
she’s tired after a full day and sits watching TV, mindlessly
munching on goodies that shouldn’t be in the house.
She’s tried fasting…but gets so hungry at the
end of the day, she demolishes everything in sight.
IDEALLY….she wants to lose a stone and a half.
But she can’t do it on her own.
She tries for a bit, does well,
but ends up going back to her own ways.
She’s not alone.
So many are doing EXACTLY the same.
I’ve spoken to many recently
who have ended up in tears because they hate who
they are right now.
They’re not who they want to be.
They need support and help.
No matter how much to you tell yourself
you want to change you WILL NOT get it on your own.
How do I know?
I’ve spoken to SO MANY who have
said they will do ANYTHING to get what they want.
That’s where I come in.
And I can do the same for you.
I can help you get CLARITY on
exactly WHAT you want.
I can show you EXACTLY what to do
I can support you EVERY DAY
I can give you an ACTION PLAN on how
to get there.
A BESPOKE plan just for YOU
and this time…you CAN get the body you desire.
I’ve got my FREE seminar on Wednesday 27th January.
I’ll be letting you know
what to do and how to get it.
But BEFORE that I can
catch up with YOU and coach you
straight away.
Sound like something you NEED?
^^^ My FREE event is here ^^
When you sign up I’ve got many offers for you
the chance to get on the phone with me.
Click and sign up now.
be one of those that THINKS they’ll
do ANYTHING to make the change….
just leaves it theres and does nothing.
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
P.S The event is in 11 days. How many pounds do you think you
can lose ON YOUR OWN before then?
Or shall I help you?
EMail me back and i’ll send you the coaching
session application xx
More from me:
My FAMOUS 12 minute Workout DVD’s
Wear the FUNKIEST training gear with my TARAnsformer Workout clothes
YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals
with all my COOKBOOKS
My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
Register for my 7 day Detox Program.