How do I start this??????????????
^^ That’s what I got a lot of yesterday
After I posted my transformation photo yesterday my inbox soon started filling up.
“I feel like I am always trying and never get anywhere. I lost 10lb the start of the year but it took me ages . I love SPIN but work always seems to take over but I am putting a stop to that after this week, I want my life back lol.”
“How do I start this Tara????????????”
“29 days til my holiday, all signed up!”
I’m glad it worked to help so many get in touch and do what they’ve been putting off.
Sometimes a little prod,
a reality check,
a bit of inspiration is all you need to take action.
a few have already joined up
“I’m excited now!” was one of the messages I got
There’s every reason to be excited for doing something for yourself. You deserve it!
Too many people are putting things off, thinking it’s going to be harder than they think. But when you get around to doing it you enjoy what you’re doing and feel pretty awesome and smug for doing something that makes you feel so good!
I also got this comment from a fabulous Mamma I often think about:
“My problem is time . I try and eat healthy and drink water …..but I’m so busy with the business and the children . …i neglect myself x”
This is the problem
#1 The time excuse.
I get it.
Right now I am juggling decorating my home, running a business and most importantly
being a new Mum
But I’ve done it.
I wanted to get back in shape so much I set some side to make a plan.
When in my day can I make time for a quick workout 3-4 times a week?
How can I make food that’s healthy and fast?
How can I stay as motivated and driven as possible?
I did EXACTLY what I advise in my 21 day programme
I did 12-20 mins of exercise – we can all find that 3-4 times a week!
I followed the recipes in the programme – there is always something there that the whole family will enjoy
I got support from my partner, my family and the support group in the programme.
A bit of communication and accountability can get you the success you want.
#2 I neglect myself
Who would you rather be?
The stressed out, snappy, lethargic, miserable version of yourself
The happier, healthier, optimistic version which everything thinks is much nicer to be around?
We obviously want the be the better version of ourselves.
Like Leanne said on my FB comments:
“Wow ….. I look at your pics and emails etc …and feel I can do this … but then I fail at the first hurdle life is so busy ..i never have time for me ……. HELP ! X”
STOP the excuses
START with a plan
Take ONE STEP AT A TIME (Small steps are easier than hurdles)
Make a progress
Take consistent action
It doesn’t need to be perfect
What I did was NOT perfect
Do a good job and do the best you can
It’s much better than doing nothing at all!
^^ Here’s the link to join in .
I’m going to be getting everyone to do what I did.
Get an outfir from the wardrobe that you want to fit into,
Get clear on what you want
You ready?
Or you still convinced by your excuses?
Tara xxx
✔️ THE 12 MIN WORKOUTS to get you toned FASTER
✔️ THE RECIPES to eat more, cheaper and make it quick
✔️ #1 YOUR KICKSTART – the 7 Day Real Food Detox week
(Lose up to 11lbs)
✔️ #2 THE NEXT STEP – The 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program
(Change your body shape in 3 weeks)
✔️ #3 THE LIFESTYLE – Keep the weight off forever in my Inner Circle
✔️ The GUARANTEED RESULTS 12 week programme – The Life Taransformer
Join the waiting list – application only