Head like a melted welly - Tara Hammett

Head like a melted welly


7ef7536f69c24d7a9d49b70fe63878a6Yep – that’s me.

We all get moments when we feel a little bit MEH.

That’s kinda how I was feeling last night, and still this morning, so in a mo I’ll tell you what
I’m going to do to snap out of it.

But it all started with my wardrobe last night.

You know, being pregnant is such an experience. I’m learning so much and along the way I’m already feeling I understand what so many of my clients (You) may be feeling.

Fortunately, I’ve never really had a moment when I dread trying things on. I’ve always kept fit, eaten well and my clothes have always fitted me.

(Apart from in Uni maybe when I piled it on from all the drinking and eating cheap junk)

And that’s why so many of you come to me for help. I know what to do, how to get there and how to stay there.

But today I’m going away for a wedding on the weekend.

I’m so excited to go and have some chill out and celebrate with my friends but last night all this came into my mind:

– I look awful in all my outfits
– I’m dreading being in my swimsuit in front of everyone.
– Nothing fits

Now, before you go

‘Tara, your having a baby’
‘Embrace you bump’
‘You’re glowing’
‘Think about the miracle you’re creating inside you’



Maybe I’m being a bit hormonal too, but I still want to feel lovely.

I’ve got a pretty dress, but 6 others are going back today and the one I really wanted, which did fit last week, doesn’t fit now. BUM!

So it’s PLAN B.

and when you see any pics of me I share it will mainly consist of

* Shorts and Blouse
* Skirt and Blouse
* Shorts and Blouse
* Covery Kaftans

Thank goodness for blouses – nice and loose, cool and covery. << real word! That’s why I’ve used it twice 😉

So with this in mind I’m gonna do what Tara would say.

I’m not going to argue with reality, I need to get on with it so my plan this morning is this:

#1 – Mindset reading. I’ve got 2 books going: The Now Habit and The Gifts of Imperfection.

I need a brain workout more than a body one today so I’m spending more time with that.

#2 – LOUD, house music in the car – that always winds me up and I say in my mind.

‘Tar, you are a strong girl you can handle this and doing something amazing’

#3 – Remind myself I’m going on a fab holiday with my Man, to a lovely place, in a great hotel, with and awesome bunch of people. I have such supportive friends and family. I”m healthy and happy and excited for my future.

So there we have it.

In fact I feel better just from typing #3, but now it’s over to you.

How do you feel when you go to your wardrobe for something to wear to go out?
How do you feel when you look in the mirror?
How do you feel about getting a swimsuit on?

For me….I’ve got approx 16 weeks of getting BIGGER – LOL

For you…..Get your plan in place NOW to change all that.

YES – you can do mindset reading today
YES – you can put loud music on too
YES – you can remind yourself of everything you have and be grateful

But how about some help along the way?

Well…..there’s a growing team of girls ready to join me and Lou in the 21 day programme and whilst I may have had a mini ‘F@&K’ moment. I still 100% know how to get you motivated, healthier and happier with your body.

So…you ready to join me and the team?

The link is there ^^^ Click it now and make the change.

Get smaller the healthy way as I get bigger the healthy way. 🙂

Let’s get fit & fab

Tara xx

P.S THANK YOU to the girls who inboxed me last night.

I did a Live Video in the Life Taransformer 9 programme and shared my feelings.

They could tell I was a bit emosh.

Lots of love girls xxxx

P.P.S I’ve actually got a swimsuit that I LOVE and I can’t wait to wear it.

P.P.S.S – off to read my book now. MWAH

P*3 S*2 – here’s the link again to join the 21 day programme (You could lose up to 13lbs mind)


More from me:

The DVD everyone is LOVING: 6 workouts only 12 minutes long


Want to DOWNLOAD the workouts for only £3?


YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals


More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook




My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program


Register for my 7 day Detox Program.




  • September 15, 2016