Desire - Tara Hammett


Awwwww I’ve got this STUNNING client
that I see every Wednesday at 3pm.
She’s 82!!
What an inspiration…YET
she ACTUALLY said to me this week
“Oh, I’m not a very good advert for you am I?”
” Are you serious?!?!”
What an ABSOLUTE inspiration she is.
EVERY week she comes with me for
an hour as she continues to invest in her health.
To stay strong
To stay as healthy as possible
To have a girly goss
(Trust me….82 year olds still
worry about the same things we do)
What I love about Val, is her continued commitment.
Commitments are a POWERFUL act, not a word.
Val shows up and I’m sure this important part
of her lifestyle has been life changing for her.
How committed are you to something meaningful?
Something that
you want so much that you are willing to do whatever it takes
to make it happen?
Like lose weight so YOU feel more self confident.
Like putting more effort into a relationship so
YOU are happier.
Like doing those tough tasks in work so YOU achieve the
success and results you want.
If you want something you HAVE to make a conscious choice
to act in order to get your DESIRED result.
Now…many fall short on commitments on a regular basis.
When things get difficult, we find reasons why we don’t keep our promises.
We find excuses.
We blame others
(I’ll share a little blame story with you soon)
Maybe you’re only INTERESTED in losing weight.
When you’re interested, you only do it when you feel like.
When you’re committed…you do it no mater what.
No excuses, just results.
No IF’s, just HOW’s
Right now….how STRONG is your desire to lose weight?
Especially now in the run up to Christmas.
Without the compelling desire, you will struggle with losing weight and
surviving the party season and I guarantee once it’s
all over…you’ll be GUTTED that you put the weight on.
So you think you really want it?
You need to identify your actions.
What are you going to do to get what you want?
Don’t be a spectator, be a participant.
My FINAL programme of the year PARTY SOS PLAN
opens its doors TODAY!!
Remember it’s what you DO that counts.
Our commitments shape our lives.
They drive our results
They create awesome relationships and
They build our character.
Count on yourself…its an empowering feeling!
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
p.s The SOS Squad is growing!!!!! COME ON TEAM  xx
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  • November 27, 2015