You Can’t Enjoy Your Life And Be Thin

Remember Beth who we saw yesterday with her amazing body transformation and over 2 stone loss.
We were chatting this morning about her weight loss journey and how she felt before joining my plans.
This sentence said it all:
" I used to think you couldn't have a life and be thin!
I Always suffered with my weight up one year down the next, was 9st 4 in 2012 when I got married and that was a result of herbal life milkshakes and a lot n lot of running.
I was on average running 3 sometimes 4 days a week a minimum of 3 miles, did a few 10ks and 2 half marathons. Then I injured my calf and kinda lost the running bug.
Slowly over the years the weight crept on and I didn't realise how much to be honest I was just
"enjoying life "
I knew I had gained weight but figured this is me and this is how I'm meant to be. I was also of the opinion that life was to short to be miserable and dieting so continued to eat and drink whatever I wanted when ever I wanted.
It was only when I saw those photos from my friends wedding in June of 2016 that I realised how big I'd got!
So that was it. I decided a diet was called for, cut everything out and started running again! This only lasted about 4 weeks before once again calf popped and I had to hobble home, so that was it had no idea what to do other than cut out everything and diet. Lost a few pounds I think but was refusing to weigh because I was scared of what the scales would say.
Plus I was annoyed that my 40th birthday was only 6 months away and we had a group holiday to Ibiza coming up in the September that I had to do something I didn't want to be fat at forty.
Then I saw Tara's detox programme and thought it was worth a try, be a nice kick start to something.
After an 8lb loss on detox week I could not believe it and thought in a for a penny try 21 day and that was it. I was hooked.
I feel fitter than ever, more energy and have totally changed my body shape. I weigh slightly more now than I did get to on my 40th but my stats are the same if not smaller in parts. However I'm not really focusing on weight as I feel it in my clothes. I really just want to lose the excess wobble, which I can see going.
My husband comments on how my body shape has changed, and even when I've weighed this amount before it's been shapeless ( if that's the right way to describe it ) I've got a more defined woman's shape - a narrower waist etc.
I love the fact that now I don't even think twice about food and even treats, yes I do indulge and some weeks more than others but I now know how to rein it in.
It is a lifestyle, I'm not on a diet I'm looking after myself.
In fact quantity wise I'm eating more food than I used to, my working day used to be picking whatever and when ever, sometimes nothing all day an then petrol station sandwiches on the way home as I was starved then Followed by a meal. Plus we had go into a habit of drinking at home about 5 nights a week, now it's the odd day here n there, and it's not such a big deal anymore. Which is also why I think I have more energy in the day.
Plus I totally love the little community we have in the group, I find even if all I do is post some pics I've been accountable for my self. Sharing of recipes and pics inspires us all I think to explore other meals and ideas - I love it "
Beth use to think that she wasn't enjoying herself fully in a restaurant unless she was eating
Deep Fried Brie to start
Lasagne, chips & Garlic bread
Dessert & Drinks
She thought she was living life to the full, but all she really felt was full, bloated and sluggish....until now.
I've shown a few of Beth's meals above - all the types of meals I recommend in my 6 week body plan
Yes - there's pizza there. This is real life
Yes - theres G&T there. This is real life
Yes - there's cheesecake there. Again. This is real life
It's ok, because it's mixed up with delicious, healthy , balanced meals which help Beth feel full, enjoy her meals and NOT on a diet.
She's lost weight and inches and keeping them off.
Now she's living a better life, even fuller!
She has more energy More confidence Feels proud and loves sharing her inspiration with her friends.
Everything Beth has done and continues to do is in my 6 week Body Plan which is OPEN NOW and you can join in and secure your spot today!
If you're ready to ditch the hard, dieting, restricting plan and make it easier on yourself - grab this opportunity to join in now!
The results of the last 6 week plans have been incredible, up to 17lbs and dropping two dress sizes!
If you're ready to be motivated and work on the Holiday, Summer, rest of your life goals. Take Action!
If you want me to show you exactly how you can eat more food than ever and still lose weight - you must get involved.
We start this weekend!