I could have BURST with emotion.
the Diet Tribe.
“Do you know what THE is?” he asked me?
THE?? No babe xx << My response
“Everyone needs THE
In 4 weeks I’ve had THE
Everyone that meets you gets THE
It’s the Tara Hammett Experience
You only need one word THE.
One word can give you all you need
for making life changes and making yourself a person you deserve to be.
THE motivation
THE knowledge
THE support
See it’s all about THE
3 letters
Change your world use THE way that has for many people “
I could have burst with emotion.
How sweet
The thought
The time
The effort
from Paul
Just from that I know he’s grateful for the last 4 weeks
with the diet tribe
From that simple message he sent me I know he appreciates
what he’s experienced over the past few weeks.
That meant the world to me.
The reason I share this with you
today is because one of the simplest things
you can do is tell someone you
care about what they mean to you.
It is so easy to be distracted daily by
everything going on that we just don’t
stay still for one moment and appreciate all of the wonderful things
in our lives.
To appreciate and to be appreciated is something
we all want in life.
The effort someone makes in thinking of you, considering you
and communicating with you.
Reach out to those that have been there for you
and had your back.
It’s easy to do.
P.S Yesterday I also welcomed Gemma (from the diet tribe) to my inner circle.
She’s loving the change and has also appreciated so much over the past 4 weeks.