WOW: Blonde BOMBSHELL sheds 21lbs!!
Are you ready for this one…….
Another sneaky peek at the photos shoot
piccys until the big reveal….
Julie shares her journey right here – read
on for inspiration!
BTW – you’ll notice me
interrupt and highlight a few
bit as you read on….
(She sent me an email last night too,
I’ll touch on that at the bottom of
the email)
“The Taransformer journey started for me last April,
at that point my nutrition was based on
low calorie pre packed processed foods
and I had enrolled in many well known “diets”.
I felt very unhealthy,
aching joints, no exercise and constantly tired!!!
I completed the 7 day detox and the party sos plan just before Christmas, both these programmes I lost 11-14 lbs and a considerable amount of inches!!
The only problem was that once the programs
had finished I didn’t carry on with what I had learned and went back to my old habits!
December 2014 I had reached a point where I had had enough of feeling down,
my weight and body image was really getting to me,
there were also other contributing factors
where I felt that
my mental Heath was suffering,
that added stress to my relationship with
my family and husband,
and so I emailed Tara and offloaded everything to her!!
(Tara Tip: ^^See…it’s not just about the weight!)
I joined the Life Taransformer group in January,
and I haven’t looked back since!
Throughout the 12 weeks I have learned so much
I have learned to focus more on
my relationship to make time for me,
my husband and my children.
I have altered my mindset from reading the books
Tara suggested.
I focus on 7 day commitments
including nutritional and exercise goals
that I am now continuing to use.
I have lost a stone and a half and
I am doing things now that I thought I would never do,
including the photo shoot!!
The shoot was way out of my comfort zone
and I loved every minute of it!!!
And most of all I feel much happier with myself,
I am in a much better place both physically and mentally!
The group were fantastic support throughout the weeks,
and girls in the photo shoot were all amazing!!!
The information that Tara provides
is so beneficial to all!
It’s an amazing programme and
I would definitely recommend it if
you want to change your lifestyle –
your nutrition and exercise routines for the rest of your life!
Thank you to Tara and the team
for your ongoing help and support xxxxx”
Let me just re-cap:
1) Julie was eating ‘Low Calorie
Processed meals and following diet plans”
(No names W***** W*******, S******* W****)
^^ Ha Ha Imagine Eyes emoji there!^^
2) Falling off the wagon because she
wasn’t working on more than just body
3) Relationship better with family!
4) Feeling more confident that EVER!
Inspirational hey!?
Love it!!
What about you……Ready to
launch the ‘diet’ plan and change your
Life Forever…Be a Life TARAnsformer??
Well…Lets chat first, see if you’re ready.
Keep fit & fab
P.S Obviously Julie is now working towards her next target…she’s setting new goals and continuing with her new lifestyle which she loves. And she can with my monthly, continuity program….Tara’s Inner Circle.
You can join too….right this second in fact. Click the link below
^^^ This one^^^