Will I fail or succeed?

Only time will tell.
Last night was AMAZING.
The more people I’m around, the more
energy I get and the more passionate I feel
about sharing my message.
The room was filled with inspiration and it was so lovely
meeting everyone.
First….my appreciation
(This was one of the lessons from last night)
My Parents
My Sister and her two amazing children who blew my
mind helping out
My Brother and his gorgeous partner Ceri
(Her bump is better than mine…Envy. Lol)
Richard aka Daddy Deaks and tech saviour
Louise and Ceri my brilliant side kicks
Hazel, Emma, Dan, Laura, Rhian and Sacha for getting up on the stage.
It’s scary, but I’m so proud of you!
The Dragon Hotel and the Team who helped with everything
Everyone who took the time to come along and sit in the audience.
But now…..what will happen next?
Last night everyone went away with my top tips on how to implement my
5 Steps to Change you body and Love your life.
#1 BODY – Quick Fitness
#2 BODY – The Awesome food tips
#3 BALANCE – The Family connection
#4 WORK IN – Treats, de-stress and chiiiiiiiilllll
#5 LOVE YOU – You are enough, no more guilt,
It’s over to you to the small tasks I got you to write down.
Like we mentioned last night….don’t be one of those people
who will look back in 3, 6, 9, 12 months time and be exactly the same….
if not worse!!
Today I’m going to be on the phone all day to a lot of action takers
who want me to help them make the change.
Have the courage to step up and do something different TODAY.
The Life TARAnsformer 8 programme kicks off on Monday and for
YOUR complete body and life change…….GUARANTEED
(or your money back), you could apply now
That’s if there’s any spaces left by the end of the day.
As I’m still flying high from last night, you can join in with
my one off Detox Week Programme,
I’m so motivated at the moment.
Last night gave me a kick up the butt and I’m back on a mission,
thankfully with my energy back.
Thank goodness….17 weeks today BTW 😉
Next week I’m launching my BRAND NEW recipe eBook.
It’s not ready to get your hands on yet….
If you join the Detox Week ASAP…
You can get my brand new Recipe Ebook FOR FREE as soon as it’s launched.
Be that person.
Be like the guys that started phase one and are now
38lbs lighter
Off anti-depressant medication
Wearing those skinny jeans
I said I was looking for more success stories.
I want it to be YOU
Join Today For The eBook Gift
So will I fail or succeed in helping you change???
Tara xxxxx
P.S Here’s the application to join the Life TARAnsformer