What's the point, it's not what I expected - Tara Hammett

What’s the point, it’s not what I expected

Yesterday I had a few conversations with my clients about mindset,
being more positive, being happier and not arguing with reality and
we also talked about not expecting too much from ourselves.
When you look back on your week…how has it gone?
Should you have done better?
I’ve thought a few should’s about myself.
I should have eaten healthier
I should have drunk more water
I should be doing more with my business
(This is the one that I think about the most)
But right now, everything is what it is and as the week has gone on, I’ve done my best at the time and sometimes things don’t always go to plan.
The thing is we can vey easily expect too much.
We should have lost more weight by now
We should be fitter
We should feel more confident
We should fit into those skinny jeans
Are you expecting a bit too much?
If you want to lose weight, do better in your business or just be the best version of you, all you can do is be prepared, do what you can and accept what is.
What happens when you don’t achieve the result?
Had one of those moments when you’ve stepped on the scales, been totally disheartened, thought F**k this?
Because you may put too much expectation on yourself you start to make it mean something
You didn’t lose what you wanted, so you think you’re a failure
You haven’t achieved what you wanted, so you feel disappointment
Others can do it, but you can’t, so you think you’re not good enough.
Those feelings are all in your control and instead of thinking you’re not good enough, accept that you’re on a journey of change.
Be grateful for where you’re at and how far you’ve come.
Reflect on all the good things you have achieved and look forward as you continue to learn, grow and change.
Change takes time and we may not get what we want immediately, but enjoy the journey, be proud of what you have achieved and be kind to yourself.
This weekend reflect on all those good things you’ve done, what you’ve achieved and what you still want to work towards.
Be prepared, be mindful and do the best you can.
Don’t expect too much……you are enough
  • August 12, 2017