Weight Loss Recipe and 1lb Loss a Week Challenge

It’s October and all the lovely Autumn feels are arriving. The leaves are already falling off the trees and you can feel the temperature drop every day as we slide towards winter.
When you look back at how quickly the year has gone, also reflect on what you’ve done, what you’ve achieved and what you can still do in 2018. If being healthier & happier was what you wanted at the beginning of the year, what have you deliberately done to make sure you are feeling like the best version of you?
We’ve got 12 weeks until the end of the year and a LOT to look forward to. I hope you’re going to make sure you look forward to the next 12 weeks. You can set yourself a simple 12 week target of 1lb a month weight loss or even a little challenge to help you feel fitter & more toned? Either way, whatever you want to improve in your lifestyle you are welcome to get involved in my 6 week body plan and make the last 3 months of 2018 your best!
Join me and the team in my plan here now
Balsamic Veggie Spring Rolls Weight Loss Recipe
- Add your stir fry veg in a pan/wok with chilli, garlic and a pinch of salt & pepper.
- Cook until softened.
- Mix the eggs and flaxseed. split mixture into 2 or 4 or 6 (depending if you want one big spring roll or 2/3 smaller ones. A big one is great for a meal with veg and small ones are great for a buffet).
- Add coconut oil to a hot pan, make the pancakes.
- Fill the pancakes with the veg filling, roll and add back to the pan to crisp the outside.
- Serve immediately with some fried rice from the detox recipe or take for lunch on the go.
Below I’ve also got some fitness inspiration for you. A 12 minute workout you can do in the gym on your next visit. You’ll need a treadmill and some dumbbells for this one.It’s a real fat burner which will get your heart rate up and as you can see I’ve got all the exercises to work your muscles all over.
AKA get everything toned!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this weekends newsletter. Let me know if there’s more you’d like to see to help you stay motivated.
Have a fab weekend Tara xx