Wasn’t it so so AMAZING!
Did you watch the wedding yesterday?
Awwww, I was hooked.
Yesterday my plans were to potter around the house,
create a new recipe with halloumi cheese and
dip in and out of the wedding (just wanted to see the dress tbh)
I couldn't take my eyes off it!!
I sat in the office with my laptop on my lap just dazzled by the whole ceremony.
I loved it so so much
Everything was just wonderful.
The weather
Watching the guests arrive,
The crowds enjoying,
Dipping in and out to parties across the UK,
Then the happy couple themselves.
I was captivated by it all
The main thing for me was seeing so much happiness and love being shared.
Not just what we saw on TV but everywhere.
Friends, families and communities getting together to spend time with each other.
So whether someone is into the royals or not you can't help but be grateful for the jubilation!
I LOVED it all anyway...
.... and didn't get my halloumi recipe done - lol.
But there's always today.
Also today I want to remind you about today being the BEST day to do a little planning and make next week the BEST week
If you dedicate just 15 mins to planning some meals & workouts - even on a simple piece of paper, you
will find it will save you so much thinking and effort during the week.
I was chatting with someone in the week who said they just felt so tired of thinking about what food to eat,
battling the 'dieting' and BEING THEIR OWN WORST ENEMY!
Do something for you today and just PLAN
If that seems too much for you, then do your absolute BEST this week and get ready for me to help you.
If done ALL the thinking so you can worry less and achieve more in my 30 Day Get Motivated Challenge 2
On Saturday 26th May it's starting and I want you to make sure you're in.
Here's the link to save your space
There's brand new tasks in this one.
Last time we had over 100 fabulous action takers helping, supporting and inspiring throughout the 30 days.
There was so much energy and enthusiasm and we really did GET MOTIVATED.
So dedicate yourself to
2 simple tasks X 30 DAYS = BRILLIANT RESULTS.
This week I'll be sharing some of our successes from the last challenge -
just in case you need a bit of convincing 😉
Right....I'd better get my recipe done then
Have a fabulous day
P.S back to the wedding....I also loved that Marks & Spencer called themselves Markle & Sparkle!