Want to Transform? Here's HOW to do it! - Tara Hammett

Want to Transform? Here’s HOW to do it!

There’s just ONE very simple thing you need to do to make sure you change forever and FINALLY feel like a success.

I’m going to tell you HOW in a mo but first

…I wanted to say sorry for being AWOL with my daily inspiration for you.

It wasn’t part of my plan at all but last week was a toughy – all good but hard.

Tiredness has started to kick back in,

Getting up in the morning is harder,

I’m having daily 1.5-2 hour snoozes,

We had hospital & midwife appointments,

We’ve got the keys to our new home and

it just all got on top of me.

Routine was out

Schedule was out

Prep wasn’t as good as it could have been but

…that’s life hey.

This week though – it will be different.

Last week for me was a lesson.

I’m still going to be tired

I’m still going to be moving stuff

I’m still going to be out of routine however

The show must go on.

So, I’m making a daily plan to reduce the hours I work, but I’m going to make sure those

hours count.

This way I’ll get everything in that I plan this week, so I won’t

feel like a failure and that I’m letting people down.

I’ll feel like I’ll achieve what I set out to achieve, so I’ll look

back on the week as a successful one.

I’m sharing my lesson with you as my message for you too.

Were you tired last week?

Things get in the way?

Feel like you let yourself down with your exercise and healthy eating?

All got on top of you?

Use it as a lesson.

Did you maybe try to do too much?

Unrealistic goals?

Take it one step at a time lovely…..there’s no massive race.

The journey for us all continues, but it’s

up to us which pathway we choose.

To learn from the past and change the future or

to stick with bad habits and high expectations – only to feel like a FAILURE


Today….take a step back

 – look at your week ahead

 – make plans that will suit you and not stress you

 – take it one day at a time.

For me…I’ve just declared my plan and I’m going to make sure that

I stick to my commitment of reaching out to you daily. This will keep me motivated and accountable.

What are you going to do to make sure you have the best motivation, support and accountability??

I know something that Sarah and Suzanne are going to do

(Sarah and Suzanne are the gorgeous girls in the photo I’ve attached for you)

Yesterday we had a photo shoot to celebrate their success in the Life Taransformer 8 programme,

I’ll tell you more about how much they lost – along with the other fab girlies in the team tomorrow

but I’m gonna stick with today’s theme of commitment & accountability.

So what are they going to do now the programme is over?

They’re going to keep on going.

In August they joined 15 other ladies and committed to the 12 week programme,

as the end was getting nearer they started to panic.

This is the FIRST TIME they have ever started something, stuck to it and got such brilliant results. They worried about what would happen now the ‘safety net’ of the programme would go – so they did what they knew worked best.


They’re joining me and the team in the next Life Taransformer 10 programme which kicks off on 7th November.

They have learned so much over the past few months

Lost so much (weight & inches)

Gained so much (confidence, support, friendships)

Yet they know that with all the info in the world – they still need support and accountability.

So they’re investing in themselves to become the BEST version of themselves they can be.

And all in the process they will be….

The Best Mum

The Best Wife

The Best Daughter

The Best Friend

The Best Work Colleague

Investing in yourself is not selfish as you may think and you shouldn’t feel guilty.

(You WILL feel guilty about not being the best version of you from not investing in yourself though)

So TODAY…invest in YOU.

Do some planning, prepping, asking for help….whatever it may be.

I am.

Looking forward to showing you the photos from the shoot.

Keep fit & fab

Tara xx


– Benefit Make-Up for looking after the girls and getting them glam and photoshoot ready

– Jenny McDonnell for being such a pro photographer and making the girls feel relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera,

– The Dragon Hotel – for allowing us to use the Pembrey Suite as our studio.

– Louise Morris – for planning the day and being my memory (I’m forgetting everything these days)


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  • October 24, 2016