Vid: Too old at 19? :-O - Tara Hammett

Vid: Too old at 19? :-O

Did you get off the wagon in the first place?


Well, remember me asking about

what you’re going to promise yourself and

making a declaration to me??


Here In this video I read out a few, plus two

fab questions from girls who have just had babies

and want some tips and advice….and I answer

‘Is 19 too old?’ :-O

What are non-starchy veg (Like we eat

in my weight loss program – open now btw!)


Click here to watch the video


Then email me to tell me which

are your fav emails…

written ones, videos,

recipes, all of them….

dare i say it..

none of them …ha!!


Right I’m off to the gym now

to make myself look like

a 19 year old! 😉

When you watch the video you’ll get it!


Keep fit & fab


Tara xx


P.S want to look in the mirror in 3 weeks time and think..

WOOAAHHHHH, I’m looking much hotter!!

Join my program TODAY for a FREE bonus week.


  • April 30, 2014