TTFN! - Tara Hammett



Guess who?

It’s Louise, Tara’s wingwoman.

I’m taking over her email today whilst she chills out on

her surprise birthday trip over to Dublin.

How has your weekend been?

Well I’m hoping I can make it a little better with a little

TARAnsformer gift.

Nothing like celebrating a birthday, even if the birthday

girl isn’t around herself.

Tomorrow we start week 3 of the 21 day programme.

We’ve had some brilliant results from the team already.

Last week

Kelly lost 7.5lbs

Lucy lost 5lbs.

We’ll have even better results tomorrow,

you could even be in on it.

Fancy 7 days in the last week of the programme?

All you’ve got to do for this birthday bonus week is



I’ll let you get back to your lovely

Sunday now.

Hope you’re chilling and having a lovely day.

Squats & kisses

Lou x

P.S Tara’s 37!! 😉

  • August 7, 2016