When tough Tara strikes - Tara Hammett

When tough Tara strikes

Rachel was struggling
We had our live meeting on Monday and it was just what Rachel needed.
1 – an opportunity to say she was struggling to get motivated
2 – she admitted she knew what to do, she just couldn’t get into it
3 – we had a word
Rachel has done amazing before, when she was being organised and doing what she knew she should do. The thing was she wasn’t getting up in the morning to do it and by the time it
came to the end of the day, with all the other million and one things to do, she wasn’t getting around to it.
Declaring this in front of the girls was all she needed.
So we set a plan.
It was so simple.
The next morning she was going to get up half hour earlier, she was going to go downstairs and just do the 12 min HIIT.
She told me and the girls she was going to do it.
The next morning she was motivated and did it…and has done since.
Sometimes that’s all we need is a little prod and a bit of reassurance that we can do it.
It simply boils down to
a) being organised
b) doing what you said you’d do.
Same goes for me.
Monday morning I set my alarm, I was up and I took on my day.
I felt so productive and on top of everything.
Tuesday wasn’t so good, I stayed in bed until 8am and
I was late for my baby love class. I managed to pull the day back and get my workout done
eventually at 5:30pm, but I pondered and thought about it all day.
It makes such a difference what you do first thing in the morning.
So if you’ve been a bit like Rachel and really wish you could do something then:
Have a word with yourself,
Tell yourself the night before that you WILL do something
Set your alarm a little earlier and get it done.
Or don’t….that’s fine – but that won’t get you anywhere will it 😉
Need help to get to your goals?
✔️ THE 12 MIN WORKOUTS to get you toned FASTERhttps://tarahammett.com/dvds/

✔️ THE RECIPES to eat more, cheaper and make it quick


✔️  #1 YOUR KICKSTART – the 7 Day Real Food Detox week

(Lose up to 11lbs)


✔️  #2 THE NEXT STEP – The 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program

(Change your body shape in 3 weeks)


✔️  #3 THE LIFESTYLE – Keep the weight off forever in my Inner Circle


✔️  The GUARANTEED RESULTS 12 week programme – The Life Taransformer

Join the waiting list – application only

  • May 18, 2017