Time to get YOU started!
Monday is always the day that helps to motivate people to get going.
I was on the radio this morning (96.4FM The Wave) Chatting to Badger & Emma about what NOT to do to lose weight and how to get started.
You can read more on what not to do from my previous blog post here.
I’ll be on the radio every day this week chatting all things health, fitness
and how to lose weight this JEANuary
(You got a pair of jeans that are a little too tight? Take a photo in them today, work hard with me this month and try them on again on the 31st)
So how do you GET STARTED?
I’m going to give you 8 easy tips to get you going.
1. Don’t think you need to do endless hours of exercise
When it comes to changing your body, it doesn’t take as much time as you think to get results. In fact, in many cases, less is more for those of you who are “cardio” junkies. I’ve had clients get amazing results from 2 hours of exercise per week!
If you really are limited, something is better than nothing, and if you make those two hours count and are doing effective workouts, you will see results. The key to changing your body is consistently working toward your goal week after week. I’m sure you can spare 12 – 30 minutes 3-5 times per week for exercise. Not having time is no longer an excuse!
2. Donate or throw away the festive left overs
Go through your cupboards and fridge and anything that’s processed, high sugar, convenient and basically not healthy REMOVE it from temptation! If it’s half eaten, throw it in the bin. If it’s unopened, do your deed for the day and donate it to a food bank.
It’s better off in the bin than in your body!
3. Eat real food
Once you’ve eliminated the bad festive leftovers from arms reach, do a good food shop. Fill your trolley with salad items, vegetables, berries (fresh or frozen), fish, meat, nuts, greek yoghurt, eggs and start experimenting with new meals. (There’s over 60 recipes of mine here for you)
4. Go to bed earlier
Not only will you wake up feeling more energised and ready to take on your New Year changes, but you’ll also burn fat better! 1 hour extra in bed sleeping is much more important than watching TV.
5. If you’re not already lifting weights or body weight, start now.
This is ultimate if you really want to lose weight and have a toned body. Your metabolism will increase, you’ll burn more calories outside of your workout and you’ll see results faster.
6. Write down your goals and
Make it happen! Writing down our goals may make you more accountable. So grab a pen and paper and write down 2-4 things you want to change and by when. Keep this in a place you’ll see it regularly (I pop mine on my fridge with a magnet).
7. Don’t obsess over what you can’t have.
Noticed that when you say you’re going ‘on a diet’ all you can think about is what you ‘can’t’ have. Research has shown that attempting to not think about something actually makes you think about it more. Instead, focus on positive thoughts of what you can do (write those positive thoughts down too), go about your business as usual and distract yourself with things like taking up a new hobby, meeting up with friends, experimenting with a new recipe.
8. Start 1 meal at a time.
Spend a whole week focussing on breakfast for example. Stop eating the processed fat storing cereal and toast and just focus on a new breakfast for a week. Eggs, mushrooms, cold meat, smoked salmon, greek yoghurt, berries, nuts, protein smoothie – there’s loads to choose from. Just work on this for one week…build a new habit, then the next week once breakfast becomes a little more easier work on lunch or snacks.
Now take action!! Be a Doer, not a Thinker!
Keep fit & fab
Tara x