Tara’s Skinny Tea Review: Scam or Saviour

You know those times when you have a conversation and you end up having a good rant? Well, I had one earlier with one of my Life Transformer members about Skinny Tea. I’m not usually one to be confrontational. In fact I don’t like conflict and I certainly don’t consider myself as a strong character for a debate. But when I get talking about something I’m so passionate about it just gets flowing which is why im doing a skinny tea review.
Well…this morning I got chatting about responsibility for our own health, losing weight and falling for the latest fad. Emma (who I was chatting with) hit the nail on the head “If I see a headline saying something about losing weight fast. “ I have GOT to read it and I get so tempted”
Is Skinny Tea A Quick Fix or A Fad
We all want a quicker,easier fix to our problems. Whatever they are.I’m gonna stick with health and weight loss though. No wonder people are confused about what to do when we are constantly bombarded with mixed messages.
“Red wine is good for you” (the next week it’s not)
“Carbs are evil” (next week they’re your friend)
“All you need is Skinny Tea to speed up weight loss.”
Just Say No To Skinny Tea
I almost went into double, super rant mode earlier when I saw an ad for skinny tan. I was like WTF! on further reading the skinny meant good for your skin with natural ingredients and is suitable for vegans.Phew – but can you see how buzzwords are used to grab your attention and get you spending money.There will be no best option other than
- Move more
- Eat better
- Rest and sleep well
- Spend time with the people you love
- Invest in personal development and mindfulness
These simple daily habits will make you HAPPY AND HEALTHY.Losing XXX amount of weight will NOT make you happy. It may be one aspect of your life that you’re happier with but you have so much in your life to get balanced to be happy.
The Skinny Tea Scam
I’m gonna touch on skinny tea right now because it keeps coming up.
- Have you bought some?
- Have you tried it?
- What happened?
My Skinny Tea Review
A lot of the ladies I have worked with have tried skinny tea for weight loss and they all tell me the same thing. They pay £14 for a weeks supply which is basically the equivalent of drinking 2 cups per day.
It costs you £56 for a month. In that month you either
- Rely on its magical powers, do all the same stuff and soon realise it was a waste of money and you don’t look like that skinny, filtered girl on instagram that made you buy or
- Because you’re drinking it you start to exercise a bit more, eat a bit better and see some results but maybe they’re not fast enough and, well…it’s a bit expensive drinking this tea so you go back to how things were as soon as you run out.
My advice on Buying Skinny Tea
There are a few different brands of skinny tea that will all have different ingredients. Most will have caffeine for that energy and metabolism boost. (Tara Tip have actual coffee or tea instead) Some have natural laxatives (so you’ll just drop some weight down the toilet, which isn’t fat btw). There’s one that even warns that it may interfere with the contraceptive pill!!!
Try Green Tea Instead
If you want to drink tea, get to the supermarket and try one of the lovely herbal ones you can get or a green tea which will cost approx £2.15 for 50 bags. If you want to be happier and healthier it’s going to take some work, some discipline and some action.
Put yourself first
Keep it to the basics – don’t overcomplicate things. You know what to do – just stay away from the latest brand new ‘too good to be true’ fad. Doing all this on your own is hard. If you want everything you’ll ever need plus support – you can have all the right advice , tools and daily support with my 6 week body plan (which the girls all told me this week that they refer to as the Tara Plan)
Tara ‘I don’t like skinny tea’ Hammett