This is something I’ve been debating for a while
Ever had that feeling that you’ve been thinking and thinking and thinking of doing something to lose weight and so far…all you’ve done is think?
Often I get messages from girls wanting to lose weight.
Now I’m a Mamma myself and shown that you CAN get your body back,
I’m getting lots of questions about what to do to lose the ‘baby weight’.
Apart form the obvious of taking your time, listening to your body and being sure you recover fully before starting to exercise,the same advice applies as what I’d say to anyone.
Make a START
Take small steps
So many are stop starting plans and programmes,
going alone on the body change mission and going straight back to bad habits.
Right now what are YOU really doing to make change.
Living a healthy lifetsyle is simple for me
(I hope you’d kind of known that,
as I’d be in no position to try and convince you that it’s do-able)
Many years ago I worked on changing my bad habits and over time
they’ve been replaced with good habits that are simple to follow.
For me though, I want to work on changing my business.
For many years I’ve had a business mentor to help me.
I don’t know everything
I’m not good at everything
I don’t want to do some stuff
….but it needs to happen if I want to be successful.
When I was pregnant I decided it wouldn’t be worthwhile investing in a coach as I didn’t have the time or energy to dedicate myself to it compeltely.
So I stopped
Recently though, I’ve been thinking about it.
I’m starting to get to grips with my new life
(^^big Lie…I feel like I’m winging every day – HA!)
I feel ready to do what I need to do to create change,
Change in my business
Change in my work life
Change in my results.
So, the time has come and I’ve invested in a Coach.
As soon as I made the decision to say “YES I’M READY”
a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Yippeeeeeee…I’d taken the first step to doing what I new was best for me.
I’m getting help now!
I’m excited to learn new things
To be told what to do
To have someone to support me
To see results.
“Why are you telling me this Tar?” you may wonder…
My business is just like your body!
You may have been thinking for a while that you need to change and you need help,
maybe before wasn’t the right time.
But NOW is
You can get excited to learn new things
You can enjoy being advised what to do
You can have someone to support you
You WILL see results
We’re just the same, but different!?!?!?
For me now I’m going to try new things and be consistent by keeping on going with what I learn and maintain my accountability with my coach.
For you… can join me for 9 days learning new things and being consistent with what you do so you see the results you want.
Detox week starts this weekend.
The programme can help you lose between 5-11lbs!
Imagine that.
With Christmas only 14 weeks away…imagine the difference you could make in that time by STARTING NOW!
If there’s anything else you need me to let you know before you take the step to start havig some support and coaching from me, let me know
Tara xxxx
P.S Part of my first mission with my coach is to get my stats and figures all together.
When was the last time you got yours done?
Weight, inches, dress size, fitness level, blood pressure?!
Do it xxx