What scares you?
(I’m not going to join in on any debates, because I haven’t got a clue what’s going on, or what’s going to happen, what I do know is that I’m still going to do my bit to help others with their healthy lifestyle mission)
(Erm..yeah, scary, lets move on)
This morning Taransformer Emma shared a status about what she’d done,
and how motivated she was ready for her day.
She’s lost 2 stone since August and has a dress she can’t wait to wear again soon.
Love what Emma said:
“I gotta get back there.
The dress isn’t anything special
it’s how I felt at the time that makes me wanna wear it again xx”
Then one of her friends commented:
“I really want to try with Tara but afraid I won’t like everything
as I can’t drink a smoothie in the morning!
I swim 2-3 tines a wk atm xx”
Loved this because it made me think that many others may be too scared to try something new, just incase they do’t like it.
But what if they LOVE IT???
First up:
Get inspired – seeing what other girls achieve in the programmes should inspire you to
do the same. I have to mention that Emma has
5 children,
a full time job,
just finished a 5 year degree AND STILL manages to change her lifestyle for the better.
If Emma can do it, so can anyone!
As Eleanor Roosevelt said,
Do one thing every day that scares you.
Now, I’m not saying you’ve GOT to have a scary smoothie,
but what you’ve got to do is something different.
Get away from the dieting mindset and change your lifestyle forever.
The food choices in the programmes are never ending.
Don’t like smoothies – have something else.
You can have pancakes, muffins, omelettes, wraps, stews, Indian food, Chinese food, Italian food,
treats and desserts, even………..BREAD <<<OMG bread!!
Many are scared of what they don’t know,
thats understandable and the exact reason why so many stay in their comfort zone and
and never change.
They keep doing what they DO know (Whilst also knowing that what they do know DOES NOT get them the results they’re after)
Sounds so crazy, but it’s true.
If you want to lose weight,
Get into that outfit
Feel more confident
Face your fears
Take that leap
If it scares you, but could be amazing at the same time… should definitely do it
So here’s the link to the 21 day programme which could be just the
terrifying thing you need to take action and join today!
21 Day ‘ Get Scared, Get Results” Programme
We open up on Friday, so get in early….it’s the LAST ONE!
Tara xx