Sarah. Lost 38lbs and 43 inches

She stepped up.
In July she came to my seminar and I talked about my
5 Steps To Losing Weight and Loving Your Life.
Before meeting me and joining the programme
Sarah was low in confidence & self esteem.
At the beginning of the programme I asked what motivated her to
join the programme:
“Seeing the transformation in others, and hearing that their lives are similar to mine,
so I know it can be done!”
She was right…she’s doing it now and is going to continue with me right up to the end of the year.
I also asked what she wanted to achieve from the Life Taransformer programme:
“To feel generally happier and fitter, and to lose two stone,
I have more weight to lose but would be happy with two stone to start!”
She didn’t lose 2 stone.
She lost 38lbs and 43 inches.
She SMASHED her target.
Since then she has lost more and is 2lbs off 3 stone!
This is how it started:
Detox week….it was a toughy. Sarah went from drinking coke daily to none at all,
She went cold turkey and even had to get over the headaches and achy legs.
She had to dig in but now she’s over the moon.
Sarah went away on holiday and had some treats
Sarah has eaten out with her family and ate pizza… Sarah said, she is on a lifestyle mission, not a diet so she wasn’t going to do something stupid like eat before she went and watch the others whilst she sat there with just a drink.
This is her life now and she’s never going back to the person she was.
Oh…and here’s a little bit of truth too.
Sarah is VERY busy.
She has a family to run around after.
She gets up early and gets home late.
She takes her children to after school training sessions.
She dropped her own bull s**t and accepted that only she could do it.
So if you work full time
Commute to work
Have to cook for the whole family
You can STILL do it.
If you think it’s too much,
That accountability is a chore,
Prepping meals from scratch is unrealistic
That you’re gonna take my advice as criticism
……’re not ready and my programmes are not for you.
You’re still believing your excuses and until you realise and accept that
YOU are your biggest obstacle, you will never make the change.
If you KNOW you can make changes,
you want it SO MUCH
Take action TODAY.
Over the last few months Sarah’s climbed a mountain…
LITERALLY – she climbed up Pen-Y-Fan during the programme, something
she wouldn’t have been capable of before. As she took each step up the mountain,
she got nearer to her goals.
I’m delighted that Sarah is keeping on doing it.
She KNOWS what works and is going to keep being mindful,
having the support around and pushing on.
I hope my words inspire you
I hope even more that Sarah’s story and INCREDIBLE ACHIEVEMENT inspire you
to do what she did.
Step Up
It’s your last chance to join the detox programme with me this year
We open Friday.
Tara xx
P.S Tomoz I’ll be sharing Suzanne’s story with you
Another REAL person, just like you
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