Rest Day? Not for me!

For many in the TARAnsformer 30 day challenge, that is exactly what today is.
A rest from all the jumping.
Not for me.
Today is catch up day and prep day
Firstly, Mumma duties got in the way of me skipping. I know the score.
I should do it first thing in the morning, then it’s done. But I didn’t, so I’m off to the gym this morning to sort that out!
Secondly, Prep day.
Many are doing what I’m doing……7 day detox week.
I’ve got a progress shot to take on Friday and I really want to see a difference
So no more chocolate (Had an Easter Egg last night !!!! That’s not gonna help me is it!?!?)
No more mindless cups of coffee.
Grabbing wraps and popping my hand in bags of nuts each time I open the cupboard.
I’m going to know each day what I’m having,
I’m going to follow the recipes as set in the group
(May even design a new meal plan for everyone else to follow based on my week and how I feel from it)
I’m going to walk each morning as well as my skipping in the challenge and my weights to help
me get my bum back
I’m going to hope you join me.
What are you going to do ??
Whether you’re in the group or not,
I really hope you do something for yourself!
Here’s the link to do what I do
Have and awesome day!
P.S Don’t forget the FREE 20 Life Taransformer places I’m giving away.
You hoping to be one of them???
You know what to do!!