Pay Attention

Have you made a habit of daily reading?
Having a daily brain workout is one of my biggest tips to help you stay mentally AND physically healthy.
Every day stuff is continually going on in our minds
All thoughts and stories we tell ourself which are untrue
or we waste time wondering and worrying about things that may never happen.
We may never stop these thoughts entering our mind,
but being able to recognise what's going on and putting things into perspective we can feel much more positive and free from negative, energy consuming thoughts.
So many of us let our barriers down and let negativity and mindlessness take over.
Waste time on social media
Nosey at what others are doing
Sit with loved ones yet stare at phones
All mindless habits which stop us from being present and focusing on our own business.
How many times have you said you're too busy, there's not enough time etc yet during the day got caught up in gossip, scroll down timelines or clicked onto a link on an email which took you to something you didn't even want to look at or need? ( I know I have)
Dedicating some time to learning about your thoughts, your feelings and putting things into perspective could be the most productive thing you do for the rest of your day.
There are constant wars going on in peoples minds over the past (which has gone), the future (which hasn't happened) and people miss being present and dealing with now.
Last night during the Life Taransformer meeting the subject came up about how to deal with negative, judgmental people.
This can be so upsetting when you see and hear things that are negative, but always remember that it is a reflection of them. Very often people like this are unhappy with their own lives and what they give out is a projection of them inside.
It would be good to try and consciously consider who you allow into your life and not be surrounded by people that are negative and bring you down.
Jim Rohn once said "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with".
As much as possible surround yourself with people who lift you, who bring out the best in you and help you grow.
Less drainers and more radiators!
Many who I work with haven't made reading a daily habit and can often struggle with making time to read, enjoying it or having the attention span to do it. So here's some tips to help you make it a simple habit:
1) Get a book
That's a good place to start. Saying it and Doing it are two totally different things. Get something you fancy and make a start
2) Plan just 10mins in your day.
Make it first thing, lunchtime or in the evening ( Maybe whilst in the bath)
3) Switch your phone to airplane mode - block out those distractions!
4) Consider using Audible. Many don't really enjoy reading but listening to a book may be more appealing.
5) Again...if a book really isn't your thing subscribe to a podcast.
There are so many out there to choose, from health & nutrition, how to tackle binge eating, meditating or how to manage anxiety. You can listen to a book or podcast in the car, when you're walking or instead of TV when you're at home.
When you have a healthier mind, healthier thoughts and a more positive outlook you'll get a
healthier body,
healthier lifestyle,
and a healthier relationship with yourself.
You can learn to love yourself and believe in yourself more.
Protect your mind
It's yours to look after and determines how you are going to be and feel...keep it strong