My Buy 1, get 1 free plan ;-)

It's officially day 1 of my holiday
Thank goodness that plane journey is over.
Danny wriggled on me for 2 hours munching on rice cakes and an apple
(gave him a whole apple for the first time and that kept him entertained for ages - and got me covered in it)
then, thankfully, fell asleep on me for 2 hours
Sore bum - worse than when I'm in the hairdressers and no circulation going to my right arm - but all worth it for him to sleep
Anyway, fast forward to now.
Danny is still sleeping - yesterday really took it out of him
Deaks has gone to the gym
and I've got some quiet time with my coffee and a new book.
I didn't bring one because Deaks is such a chatter box I don't normally get a chance but I had a plan
Buy 1, Get 1 half price!!!
"Babe, why don't you go and choose yourself a nice book for holiday"
(He chose Confessions of a Hitman - hope he doesn't find it inspirational)
So when he get's gripped by this book, I'll have time to read my choice. 1-0 to Tara
'You Do You' <<< Name of my book
I'll keep you posted on my insights
I'm already loving it.
In a world full of filters, perfect images and pressure to conform with society, we should embrace that we are all just perfect the way we are.
Accept our strengths
Our Flaws (whether we think they are or society tells us they are)
There's nobody out there more you than you
We're all amazing in our own way.
Having the confidence to just be us is liberating, and there's no harm in wanting to improve either.
To challenge ourselves,
To grow,
To enhance what we have
I always want to work on being the best version of me
and I still worry about the bits I wish were better, so I keep working on them and develop my habits to supoprt that.
Right may be wanting to do the same and have a little help to do ti.
So.....get in the 30 day challenge with me.
The team is already growing.
Some of the girls did it last time and loved it so much they grabbed their spot instantly.
Grab yours now
I'm opening the group on Friday and your first tasks are already in there waiting for you.
It's exciting! it's time for my turn in the gym,
brekkie then throw Danny in the pool a few times
Have an awesome day!