May have to cancel the next programme!

Have you watched or read the news this morning?
We’re running out of vegetables.
Imagine we really did run out though, I would have to cancel the Detox programme
which is opening today (Are you joining in?)
Even though some supermarkets are introducing rations and out of stock in others, we’ll still be able to get our hands on the healthy stuff, although I haven’t been able to order spinach
with my online order, only the mixed one with rocket which is a bit burny for me.
In our support groups this morning we were saying how we
haven’t been able to get certain veggies, so you may have to pop somewhere else.
Try an alternative supermarket (Lidl was recommended this morning)
Get to your local market – support those family businesses
Try some veggies you wouldn’t normally get, it’s a great way of trying new recipes.
Yesterday I said I was going to share a recipe from the Detox Programme and
as I’m joining in as a TARAnsformer this time as I begin my healthy mission I decided to
share a chocolate one – because I just LOVE IT
It’s got avocado, hopefully they’re not running out and you can top it with
nuts, frozen fruit or any of the other options in the recipe below.
So a double whammy of good news this morning.
#1 – the programme won’t need to be cancelled
#2 – there’s plenty of veggies and recipes to choose from and you’ve got
a FREE recipe below. Perfect for the weekend.
Join in with me and the team here:
Your recipe is below
See you in the group hopefully
Tara xxx
Chocolate mousse
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 large ripe avocado
1/4 cup raw cocoa powder
1/4 cup coconut milk or almond milk
2 tsp stevia (or other natural sweetener)
Scrape seeds out of a vanilla pod
Optional extras: toasted sliced almonds, chia seeds, frozen mixed berries, almond butter, cocoa nibs,
Purée the avocado until smooth.
Mix together the cocoa powder and milk until combined and add to the avocado.
Stir in the stevia, vanilla seeds, and any extra ingredients (toasted almonds add a lovely crunch, and frozen berries give the mousse a great fruity twang!) and mix well.
Transfer the mousse to individual bowls and store in the fridge until ready to eat.