Lost 34lbs and 36 inches

That’s Sarah’s results.
She actually asked me Tuesday night
“Am I doing something wrong? I know it sounds weird but I can’t believe I’m
losing so consistently every week. I’ve never done this before”
She’s NEVER done the Life Taransformer before.
And THAT is the difference.
This time Sarah, along with Christina, Suzanne, Sian, Sam, Laura……(There’s 15 of us)
are all doing something different and getting incredible results.
Last night we were talking about another week of success.
Christina ran her FIRST EVER 5Km race….and didn’t stop. This is something she NEVER
thought she’d ever do.
And here is the SECRET to how they’re doing every thing so much easier this time.
They workout SMART!
12min HIIT workouts – Proven to burn fat all over, tone up all over and get you fitter faster
They do what they enjoy – when you do something you love there’s more chance of you sticking to it.
Real Food, from the super market.
They’ve all got complete access to all my recipes and they’re making what they love
PLUS inspiring me along the way
I’ve got a big mound of Shredded Chilli Chicken at home waiting for dinner tonight.
No pills, shots, shakes, replacements.
We all talked about this last night.
Heard of these?
The Gifts of Imperfection
Awaken The Giant Within
Loving What Is
All brilliant books which the girls are reading and feeling more positive from.
Understanding thoughts better,
Feeling calmer
All the feelings and thoughts we wished we had more often.
Which you can have, if you do your brain workout for just 10 mins per day.
Better quality time with loved ones and the ones we care about, just with a few tasks that
can take just seconds to do each day.
And so can you.
The LAST Life Taransformer 12 week programmes of 2016 are already running and fully booked.
I’ve created a shorter version
You can do the NEVER DONE BEFORE 6 week programme with me
and LOSE WEIGHT in the run up to Christmas
(Rather than put it on like many others)
Up for the challenge?
open the doors to Detox Week on Saturday (I’m throwing that in the package)Then we move smoothly straight into the 21 day programme
(I’m throwing that as an added extra too)
In the meantime, I’ve giving exclusive access to the Inner Circle content all the way back to
March last year.
(Yep…another bonus)
Then we kick off with the LIVE Meetings at the beginning of November right up to
Christmas so you can get TOTALLY EXCITED to feel your most gorgeous EVER this year
(whilst I look like a Christmas Pudding – lol)
So…As Alison said last night when she confirmed her place
“OMG that’s a bargain” so she’s in.
We’ve got an incredible team of girls already and there’s 10 places left.
Don’t try and do it on your own.
Apply now and do it with a team of people to help you.
Lets get chatting and committing
Tara xx
P.S I KNOW a Christmas piccy is a bit too soon in October BUT, it WILL be here before you
know it AND I want you to think of your goals.
How would you LOVE to visualise yourself in December?
Frumpy, hating your outfits, dreading nights out and over indulging til you feel guilty?
Slimmer, more confident, wearing a dress you couldn’t put on before, tonnes of compliments and
happy memories??
I know your answer…it’s up to you which one is going to be YOUR reality!