I knew last night was going to be a special moment.
I’m going to go quickly back to my seminar
I presented in January.
The one where I talked about my
5 Steps To Life and Body Change.
It was on 27th January.
Doesn’t seem to long ago, but
time goes so quickly and so much has happened in that time.
Especially for Dan and Laura.
I got Dan up on the stage and he told everyone what he would like to change about
his lifestyle, his body, his relationships.
It took courage and a lot of guts to
get up and do that.
Anyone would feel vulnerable standing in front
of a room of strangers and admitting what they don’t like about themselves
and what they’d like to change.
The biggest point though was that Dan and Laura REALLY DID
want to change and when they were given the opportunity
to join me on the life TARAnsformer programme,
They jumped at it.
Rather than all those people that were there and said
they REALLY DID want to lose weight
BUT did NOTHING about it.
These guys did.
What a team.
Look at them now……..
Dan: Lost 17lbs,
Came off anti-depressants,
Wearing smaller clothes
Feeling fitter and said so many times
Laura is HOT!!!!
(They both are)
Laura: Lost 28lbs
Had the confidence to apply for a new job, and got a new job,
Is getting compliments daily,
Has finally thrown away THOSE AWFUL GREY PYJAMAS
(Dan-s words – lol…..but they were comfy!) ha 😉
And what was their biggest secret………
They did the work.
I’ll be sharing a video with you soon
of what they said about the Life TARAnsformer programme.
But I’ll remind you of those 5 steps:
#1 The Workouts:
They did my 12 min HIIT workouts that are PROVEN to get you
INCREDIBLE weight loss and toning FASTER.
#2 The Food:
They ate they way I do…which again, is PROVEN to be the best way
to burn fat. Dan even said many have asked him
how the diet is going. He say’s he’s NOT on a diet….and
he can’t wait to back for a large pasty on their next holiday.
#3 The Lifestyle:
They worked on managing their stress and getting better sleep.
Not only did this help them with
balancing their hormones to help them lose weight,
but they felt better, less stressed and, mentally stronger.
#4 The Relationship
With each other, with their beautiful children.
They connected more, they dated more,
they were clearly in love before, however they were now
a real team. Supporting each other through
the easy and HARD DAYS.
#5 They Worked on themselves.
The mindset
The personal development
The confidence
The positivity.
They put themselves first, so they could be better people,
think more optimistically and stronger.
They served themselves first
The classic “Fit your own oxygen mask first”
They played the Life TARAnsformer game with me and
the team.
They scored their points and they came out winners.
That photograph is just INCREDIBLE.
The journey wasn’t always easy, they helped each other,
they got the support from the online group and
they got the results.
But now…it’s time for YOU
Everyone has to start somewhere.
You may be THINKING about starting
You may be WISHING someone could help you
You may have STARTED but keep slipping
You may NEED that kick start and lightbulb moment NOW
Well here it is.
The next Life TARAnsformer Programme won’t
be available for a few weeks yet.
You could Email me now and I’ll put you on
the waiting list.
Or you could secure your spot NOW with THE ulitmate kickstart
towards your
My 7 day Detox Week.
This is the week that Emma lost 16lbs in last month.
^^ CLICK THE LINK and get ready for your transformation.
Keep fit & fab