Check out the live video here:
I said how I want my abs back.
4 weeks ago I started the 30 day Butt Challenge.
I encouraged many to join in.
A very small amount of people that I shared my message joined in.
The majority did NOTHING
Which person were you?
3 weeks ago I started the HIIT class. It was hard and I was rubbish.
So unfit
But, I turned up each Friday.
Tired & aching, but I turned up.
NOW, I’m starting to see the results a little bit.
Not much – it’s going to take a while, but I’m noticing my progress as my waist SLOWLY goes down and my legs feel stronger.
Right now I’m giving you another chance.
Another dose of encouragement.
My next FREE 30 day challenge.
You’ve got 2 choices:
#1 Join in and start to see results. You’ll look back in 30 days time CHUFFED you started now
(I know only a minority will do this)
#2 Do nothing. 🙁
What you have to do is simple, yet the difference between people is the ones that get up and do their best and the ones that don’t bother.
There will be success stories in just over 30 days time.
I’m going to work hard and try my best to be one of them,
Give it a go too!
See you in the challenge?
Tara xxx
P.S Challenge link here
P.P.S I was only the first one in class as Danny had me up at 5am, so I had been up a while. I’ll probably be last turning up next week. Turning up is what counts