Jacqui’s Story
I will never forget my first real one to one conversation with Tara and it was in the back of a mini bus and we started discussing food. Tara explained about government influences on promoting so called healthy foods when in reality the product may have started off healthy but the end result is processed high sugar junk.
I was initially sceptical but time tells and the results spoke for themselves. Tara’s vast nutritional knowledge, fitness expertise combined with an endless optimism, positivity and drive was inspiring for us all and I have not looked back.
Who would believe it’s sugar not fat that makes you fat? Tara is able to train anyone at any level be it by video or one to one and we are testament of this. We were all at various stages in our life, some carrying disabilities others self esteem etc., but Tara adapted the session to enable us all to train as one but each at their own level.
Tara transformation is not a fitness, diet regime it is your new life, a life where you are given all that you need in one programme to change your life for good, not a fad diet but a fab diet where you learn to taste again.
Tara you are my motivation and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for
transforming me xxxxxx