It’s my birthday today!!
^^ How relish does that cake made of fruit look!?!?^^
Awwww – I’m 36
I can’t believe it.
If I think about it too much
I am a bit like
“OMG – how old?”
But then I kinda think
“Well as it goes,
I feel no different to
any other year since I was about 21.
I’m still LOVING life and I won’t let a number
define me”
(Same as I say about the weighing scales!)
There’s nothing I can do about it
apart from have FREAKING AWESOME DAY
celebrating it!
So what am I gonna do.
First…I’m going to the Live TARAnsformer
We’ll all be saying a bit HELLO
to Hayley who I spoke with on the phone yesterday
and has joined in.
A few have said
“Tar…what you doing the class for,
it’s your birthday”
Well…it goes a bit like this.
A) I like to lead from the front……
I will still make my decisions on my COMMITMENT
and not my feelings.
B) It is a lifestyle and TBH everyone is so lovely
I’d rather have 20 kisses and cuddles off everyone
than stay in bed – ha!
C) I will 100% be having
dessert and a glass of wine with my
family when we go out for a lovely meal in the
evening….so I’ll earn it even more!
D) The earlier I get up, the more birthday I have.
So today I have two gorgeous clients
I’m sticking with and the rest of the day is chilling,
pampering and being with my family.
Ooh…and theres PART 2.
I’m out Saturday too.
So I’ll be training in the morning as I’ll be
back on the bubbles and I’m having a cocktail
named after me at No 6 Wine Bar in Swansea.
So if you’re in town PLEASE do pop in
and say hello and have a cocktail with me and my friends!
They’ve just launched some epic burgers,
so ditch the bread roll with these and enjoy!!
(That’s what I’m gonna do)
I may have one when watching the rugby on the screen there.
Clearly I love a healthy lifestyle,
but I also love a good party too!!
Hope you have an INCREDIBLE day!!
Keep fit & fab
Tara xx
little present for you.
P.P.S Everyone in my Inner Circle…The weekly Q&A
is up and I’m talking carbs, lunch ideas and pink salt.