Is it worth even starting? - Tara Hammett

Is it worth even starting?

EErrrrrrr….the weather!
As soon as I feel I can get out and about with my walks,
this happens.GAH!
It won’t last forever though and I’ve got the gym and the 30 day Skipping and Core challenge
to get me moving.
I was going to mention again about my walk the other day and
how at one point I thought WAS IT EVEN WORTH IT???
It took so much effort.
Gone are the days now where I can just get up,
get myself ready and walk out of the door with only myself to think about.
It took me twice as long.
Get washed & dressed >> Get Danny washed and dressed
Grab my vitals (phone, keys, purse) >> Grab Danny’s vitals (being a new, slightly nervous mum it consisted of 5 nappies, wipes, sudocrem, nappy bags, 2 vests, 2 babygro’s, socks, hat, bib, 2 muslin cloths, 2 bottles with measured out formula, blanket.ALL FOR A 30 MIN WALK).
I’m sure when I get more confident a may travel lighter.
My Jacket on >>>> Danny’s jacket on.
I’m ready.
Go through the checklist
Chassis in boot, Danny in Car Seat
Luckily all was clear.
Finally out of the door.
Before doing all that I got a bit anxious thinking about it.
Is it worth the effort?
Shall I just wait and do it another time?
I could do other things in the house instead
I had to go.
I wanted to feeling of fresh air,
a bit of freedom
a bit of ‘Yes Tara, you can do this’
a start on my new lifestyle.
I had to do it, I’d complained long enough about being frustrated being stuck in the house,
and now the opportunity had come I HAD to take action.
This mini story is EXACTLY the same for starting to work towards losing weight and
feeling fitter & more confident.
You know the feeling.
You want the result so bad.
You’re frustrated with how you look and feel
Opportunities turn up, but you don’t take them.
It feels like too much effort
You’ll start the healthy eating & exercise another time
You feel a bit anxious thinking about all the things you’ve got to do.
If you want the feeling of ‘Yes , you can do this’ you HAVE to take action.
It will seem like a lot of work and that it would be much easier just doing what you already know,
but that will NEVER get you where you want.
You’ll just continue to stay the same.
For me the opportunity came.
I had a car
I had nice weather
I took action and got out
The planning and effort was so worth it.
For you, the opportunity to start is here
The detox programme opens this weekend and starts Monday.
again….the planning and effort will be so worth it.
(I’ll be going coffee free again this week too)
Here’s the link to join the team
We get many success stories from the programme and those that have the most success, get support.
You can’t do it on your own.
Join the team
Tara xxx
  • March 30, 2017