Is FRUIT making you FAT? - Tara Hammett

Is FRUIT making you FAT?

“oh yeah…wait a minute Mr Postman”
(sing it in the tune now…..
with a bit of a welsh accent too!)
That was me yesterday.
Mrs Postlady
First ever copy
Posted and I had to work for it.
Charley had one of those
low letter boxes so…
Love it.
SNUCK a bit of extra
exercise in whilst I was on my
way to The Wave Radio Station
to record my latest podcast.
You heard it??
We talked about why
eating FRUIT all day will be SABOTAGING
your weight loss success
HOW to reduce that sore feeling in
your butt and legs after training
(And it won’t be what you think)
Why Badger reckons I’ve been standing
on the side of motorways promoting my
latest DVD
(^^^ Which you can get there BTW)
I do kinda love talking about the
DVD, especially the locations
we filmed them.
If you’ve never been to Swansea
you really should plan a visit.
It’s so beautiful
And our beaches – OMG
But obvo the main
reason you would get the DVD
would be for the workouts.
You don’t want to workouts
You’d get the DVD to get the results
and that’s exactly what I want you to have too.
That’s why Ive used
the BEST exercise to get you
those results FAST.
I KNOW how busy you are and
that you haven’t got time for long, boring workouts
And I KNOW you want the results
So…that’s why I made these workouts
this way.
They got me the results
and I can get them for you too.

Keep fit & fab

Tara xx

P.S Signed the first batch last night……….you getting a signed one? xx
Don’t forget to listen to my podcast xx
  • September 9, 2015