I was scared of you - Tara Hammett

I was scared of you

There were nerves, excitement and lots of posing on Saturday.

We had a photoshoot with a few of the girlies from Life Taransformer 7
to celebrate their

New Body
New Confidence
New Lifestyle


I can’t wait to see their final photos.

* Photos that 12 months ago Emma C would NEVER have done and
said on the beginning she wouldn’t do it. (She also said she was scared of me
in the beginning….Awwww…GGrrrrrrr Lol)

* Rhian has lost 27lbs and wanted to get in front of the camera again.

* Emma E has lost 4 stone and can’t wait to get in
her bikini for Tenerife…..something she would have dreaded before.

Here’ some of the comments from the other girlies:
“I have loved the support and advice from everyone on this programme.
I was so nervous at the start but I have got to know a
lovely bunch of people and this has changed the way
I think and feel about food my weight and how I feel about myself
and its the best thing I could have done for myself”
“I can’t believe how much stronger and happier I feel.
I haven’t had anxiety attacks for weeks and
I have even caught myself smiling at the girl in the mirror!
I am slowly getting the sparkle back that hasn’t shone for a couple of years.

Thank you both for advising me, for encouraging me,
for supporting me, for saying it as it is and,
most importantly, for believing in me at a time when I couldn’t.
The opportunity could not have come along at a more crucial time and
I will always be grateful to you both.”

The Life Taransformer 7 Team have been AMAZING.

Such a fantastic group of girls that I’m very proud of and
are now lovely friends.


I’m excited to kick off the next 12 week journey.

Life TARAnsformer 8 is starting.

These girls saw the opportunity and took it.

They knew it was only down to themselves to make the change.

The opportunity has come at the right time and they haven’t thrown it away.

They can’t go on any longer hating their body
They don’t want to avoid taking their children swimming as they’re embarrassed.
They don’t want to hide away from their partners so they don’t see their body.

They know that to enjoy going shopping and loving trying on new clothes,
they have to do what they already know.

There’s just been one thing getting in their way.


They run around after everyone else, but
let themselves down.

They have one tiny slip up, then throw the towel in and binge until
the next day….or Monday.

This Monday though….they’re accountable and they have the
tools, the support and the guidance to help them make the change they wish for.

No more dieting, vicious circles.

Lifestyle change.

Is this what you want?

How are you going to over come the obstacle of feeling motivated and having will power?

Take action today.

Just get through today,
Get in any of the TARAnsformer groups and let me help you.

Don’t throw another opportunity away.
Keep fit & fab

Tara xxxxx
P.S…..Today I launch Life TARAnsformer 8.

Next…….The Clean & Creative Cookbook #5.

Look out for my Pre-Sale offer


  • August 1, 2016