I almost put it off, but YOU kept me going x
I’ll be honest
Ibiza has DESTROYED me.
I had to hold my hands up.
I have done some MAJOR sleeping since I returned from
celebrating my friends hen weekend
We danced until the sun came up
We drank cocktails from lunchtime
and my healthy meal choices kinda
slipped as the days went on.
So I’m not feeling 100%
Maybe you know the feeling.
Creeky from all the sitting whilst travelling.
Lethargic and BLOATED.
I was sat here just now thinking..
“I haven’t sent my email”
Then the mental battle started.
Ah..shall I just write today off and
send one tomorrow.
Then I had a little word with myself and thought
about what I would say if someone
was going to write off
the healthy eating for the rest of the day
just because they SLIPPED UP and
had a biscuit with a cuppa.
You can still eat healthy the rest of the day.
Or if someone didn’t do their workout
one day and thought they wouldn’t BOTHER until
Monday and start fresh again.
And thats the problem with so many.
Throwing in the towel too easily and
not letting a little BLIP get the better of them.
It’s just finding the motivation to do it.
Reminding yourself of WHY you need to
do it and staying ACCOUNTABLE.
And that’s what I am doing now.
How will I feel when I press send?
Because I did it and achieved a small goal for
the day.
And when you make those good
choices with your food, drink and exercise..
how will you feel?
It’s never that bad.
It’s always easier to stay in
the comfort zone and plod..
but it also makes you feel miserable in the end.
You could read this email at anytime of the day,
but hopefully it will make you think about your goals and achieving them.
With those small steps daily.
That’s what I’ll be encouraging the TARAnsformers to do in the
next 21 day programme.
Every day, I’ll be there helping you
to make those decisions to help you
LOSE WEIGHT, tone up
and feel happier.
I’ll also be using the support of the
team to help me get back on track.
I’m like anyone else.
I’m not resistant to the bloat,
the sluggishness and the tiredness.
You should join me…
Register NOW
You don’t have to put it off a day like I almost did.
Keep fit & fab
More from me:
The DVD everyone is LOVING: 6 workouts only 12 minutes long www.taransformation.com/home/dvd Want to DOWNLOAD the workouts for only £3? http://taransformation.com/home/online-store/ YOUR one stop shop for STRESS FREE healthy meals More INDULGE, Less GUILT– The Chocolate eBook www.taransformation.com/home/choc The DETOX COLLECTION Ebook http://taransformation.com/home/detox-ebook/ My 21 day ULTIMATE weight loss program www.taransformation.com/home/reg Register for my 7 day Detox Program. www.taransformation.com/home/detoxsales JOIN ANY DAY, ANY TIME WITH TARA’S INNER CIRCLE www.tarasinnercircle.com |