Gemma was FED UP, so lost 12.5lbs and kept going
How has your Monday been so far?
The way your morning starts makes a huge difference in your day and that will all boil down to organisation & planning.
The stuff we know we should do...but sometimes just think about rather than doing it.
This is one BIG thing we all need to do when working on our body & health goals.
Get Organised
Get Motivated and
Get Results.
A few weeks back I launched the first 30 day ' Get Motivated' Challenge
I wanted to do something to encourage as many as possible to do some really small tasks each day which can get brilliant results.
Check out what Gemma had to say about her journey, why she joined the challenge, what she achieved and what she's doing now:
"I had joined a few challenges but realized early on I just wasn't in the frame of mind,
and I got even more down on myself and gave up - I'm good at burying my head in the sand!!!
I had amazing results with your programmes before,
so I knew I could do it - which didn't always help with my immediate motivation.
I have a lovely family and a busy job which are both demanding and quite draining.
I was starting to drink too much,
often having a bottle of wine every evening without even thinking!!!
What was this time different???
I'm fed up of wearing the only pair of jeans that fit me - wherever I go I'm in the same pair - boring!!!!
I could invest in yet more bigger clothes, or invest a little bit in myself and actually fit into the clothes I have waiting for me in my wardrobe!!!!!!
The challenge was amazing, so simple, making small changes,
1 day at a time, small steps.
The support group just shows you the real struggles everyone has,
it's not just me, we are all busy, we all have temptations, but being there for each other was brilliant!!!!
I especially loved taking time out to read/think/quiet bath - this really helped me to reflect on simple things which in turn helped me to change bigger things.
Tara's programmes have proved themselves time and time again - why are you waiting??
Don't be scared and miserable anymore - do something about it with others who are feeling exactly the same.
In 30 days I lost 12.5 lb, gained confidence in myself and my decisions,
gained some lovely social media friends, gained the motivation and momentum to keep going -
I'm not stopping this time."
Gemma knew what to do - she'd done it before, but she got stuck in a rut.
I absolutely LOVE Gemma's mindset shift.
That's the light-bulb moment there!
Putting herself first and investing in her health,
her happiness,
her confidence and doing what she KNEW she should do instead of burying her head in the sand.
It's so easy to just stay in the comfort zone doing the same things,
But life becomes far better, happier and full of energy when you invest in you!
Soooooo.....It's that time again.....
I'm looking for another team of women who are ready to stop hiding,
stop being full of excuses and ready to take action.
I'm opening up application of my next Life Taransformer 12 week plan
My guaranteed results plan to help you feel amazing and back in control!
Are you ready to get chatting about losing weight and keeping it off?
BE WARNED THOUGH....This plan really does change lives (and bodies) so only apply if you feel you're ready!
Looking forward to seeing who I can help next!!
Have an awesome Monday
P.S You know I always go on about balance when it comes to looking after yourself so today I'm going for the holistic approach.....I'm having a Floatation tank session.
I'll be going live at approx 12 pm on Facebook & Instagram showing you what it's all about.
I LOVE Mondays!