FUMING! - Tara Hammett


I had a Car Park Tantrum

Not a full on


But a mini –

“Does the world know I want breakfast and to have a meeting!” kinda rant.

Why do breakfast places with wifi only open at 8:30-9??

That’s the middle of the morning!


As always there’s a lesson in everything.

I didn’t have my Eggs, Mushrooms, Spinach, Pancakes abd Berries like I’d planned.


So we had to adjust.

We needed an alternative to gave food and have a good meeting.

So Starbucks it was

(Thank you for opening early BTW!)

As I’m stood there in front of the display,
I could have gone all bagel, panini, muffin and cookie
and baed my
decision on what a fancied with my eyes


Instead, I focused on my goals.

The bigger and long term picture


The lemon drizzle loaf stayed there looking lovely and
as I type this to you I’m feeling nice n satisfied and proud that
I made the best decision for me

I had a Ham, Egg & Spinach Wrap and w Berry Good Bircher.

This is certainly going to keep me going until lunch.

Now I can focus on work, have energy for my clients and
I wont spend the rest of the day feeling sorry with my decision
and felling guilty.

And maybe even thinking, like so many do,

‘Ah – I’ve already screwed up today, I may as well write the rest of the day off”

(Done that many times?)

So how was your start to today?

Were you mindful and on track?

Have plans not gone your way, but you’ve adapted and stayed mindful?

This is one of the biggest things you can master.

The more you make good decisions, the easier it becomes.

Try it.

Or you could end up having

Mushroom & avocado pancake stack

Cauliflower cheese


Banana bread for a sweet fix.


You can have that…these are the BRAND NEW recipes in


And another thing.

Are you following my on Instagram?

Check out my Instagram story, this is all going to
be behind the scenes inspiration of tips, my food,
my exercise and my lifestyle.
Keep fit & fab

Tara xxxxx

P.S Are you in the inner circle???

Have you seen the AMAZING prize you could win this month for
biggest loser, most supportive & accountable???????

Get stuck in, Lose weight,


  • August 4, 2016